Sunday, 6 December 2015

Weekly Reading -- December 6-12, 2015 -- Robin Wood Tarot

An interesting mix of energies has appeared for us this week. Work appears to be smooth sailing and even celebratory with possible holiday parties on the horizon. Our Love and Relationships look less smooth, even very dark for some of us. Escape and retreat are necessary.

In Work, we got the Three of Cups. This is a card about joy and celebration, getting together with friends, letting your hair down and having a good time. Since Christmas is close at hand, this immediately made me think of holiday parties. You could be getting together with colleagues and office life could be a lot less formal. Enjoy the festive atmosphere and count your blessings if you are happy in your career. If unemployed, this card is telling you to ask yourself where you would feel this way in your work life. What kind of job would allow you to feel joyful and celebratory, among like-minded people? This is where you need to focus your search.

In Love/Relationships, we got The Devil. In this particular deck, this card looks particularly dark as it depicts a man reaching for a sunlit window that seems very far from his reach. If you are in a relationship that is abusive, unhealthy, toxic and unhappy, this card's message is plain and simple: YOU NEED TO GET OUT. Many people justify staying in a bad relationship because they believe they can't live without the person and they are deeply in love with them. No "love" is worth continuous suffering and it also NOT love. It is your choice whether you stay or go. The message is clear. If you are single, this could refer to friendships and family relationships that are toxic and unhealthy. Same message: GET AWAY or limit your time with these people (if you are "stuck" with them, as in a family member). You could also be treating yourself very badly, putting yourself down and berating yourself. You need to stop and start recognizing all your positive qualities. Focus on those. Everyone deserves happiness and love. SELF love is the most important love of all.

In Health, we got the Six of Swords. I see this card as a direct correlation to The Devil card in our Love/Relationship area. The Six of Swords is about getting away from a troublesome situation or troublesome time. Perhaps this relationship has really put you through the mill and you feel run-down and physically weak, not to mention mentally and emotionally drained. You need to get away to a calmer, gentler, quieter place and recharge your batteries. You need to recoup your strength. You have unseen help around you from your angels and/or spirit guides. They are helping you along. Pay attention to your intuition and sudden inspiration to go here or go there. Taking a break from stress and worry will do wonders for your health in all respects.

I hope you all have a wonderful, positive week! Remember -- peace and happiness are a choice.

Sunday, 29 November 2015

Weekly Reading -- November 29-December 5, 2015 -- Morgan Greer Tarot

An interesting week is in store with an intriguing lady possibly playing a prominent role in our Love/Relationship area. Another interesting factor this week is that all our cards are reversed, indicating blockages or possible stress. Remember that stress is transitory and to ride the wave. These cards are all Minor Arcana and it shouldn't be too difficult.

In Work, our card is the Three of Pentacles, reversed. Upright this card symbolizes apprenticeship, teamwork, starting to work in an organization and contribute to a common goal. Reversed this card indicates some difficulty in those areas. You could find yourself feeling like you are doing more than your share of work, having to carry the load for others, and not being appreciated for your efforts. Do your best not to fly off the handle if any frustrations boil over and see what you can do to solve them. If you are looking for work, you could feel like your efforts are just not paying off at all. Remember to persevere. Sometimes we have to strike at the iron more than a few times before the sparks start to fly.

In Love/Relationship, we got the Queen of Pentacles, reversed. Upright this Queen is the most stable and secure of all the queens, in my opinion. She is completely comfortable with her environment, her financial situation, and her relationships. She wants for nothing. However in the reverse she can be the opposite: insecure, unstable in her relationships, stressed about money and security. This could be you feeling some strain in your relationship and you will know intuitively whether this is a strain that is minor and will pass or whether it is a sign of some major concerns. This card could also represent another person -- another woman, specifically -- who is causing some strain in your relationship. It could be an overbearing woman, someone who is simply annoying and intrusive, or an actual "other woman" who is competing with you in your relationship. Don't get paranoid and accuse your partner of cheating if you have no evidence but if your suspicion is aroused, this could be a heads up.

In Health, we got the Seven of Swords, reversed. This is a card that can represent deception, dishonesty, not being told all the facts. It can also be about tact -- about knowing when it is wiser to stay silent rather than to speak your mind. As this card was reversed it says to me you may be feeling like you don't have all the facts about your health or that a health care provider is not competent or out-and-out scamming you. It could also indicate that you are not being honest with yourself about a health concern. You will know intuitively as you read this if that is the case. Watch out for snake oil salesmen -- people who claim to have "miracle cures" or "miracle programs".

An interesting week indeed and I hope all of you have a wonderful one.

I now have a Donation button on my Youtube page where you can choose to show your appreciation for these free readings, if you so choose. Links to my website, Facebook, and Twitter accounts are there as well.

Sunday, 22 November 2015

Weekly Reading -- November 22-28, 2015 -- Rider Waite Tarot

Two Major Arcana cards appeared in our reading this week which means there is some major energy taking place. Issues are coming to the surface and we are becoming aware of patterns that need to change.

In Work, we got the King of Swords, reversed. Upright the King of Swords is a very intelligent, rational, fair, just person. He is fact-based. Sentimentality is not his strong suit but logic and judgement are his forte. Reversed, this powerful, authoritative person can be arrogant, cruel, insensitive and rude. As he is a King, this is a person with some stature. This could be your boss or someone "above" you in the hierarchy at work. If this is an abusive situation, seek a remedy for it. Go to HIS boss and report his behaviour and see what you can do about it. You can choose to tolerate it but tolerance gets really old after awhile. This card could also represent an aspect of yourself this week. Watch what you say and how you communicate to people. Bad behaviour could come back to haunt you.

In Love/Relationship, we got The Hermit. The Hermit is all about retreat and self exploration. As he came up in our Love/Relationship area, this suggests you need to reflect on your relationships. If you are in a relationship, are you happy in that relationship? Are there issues that need to be addressed? Be honest with yourself. Something that may have been nagging at you is calling for your serious attention. If you are single, reflect on what it is you want in a relationship. What kind of a person are you looking for and who would you be most compatible with? What have you learned from previous relationships that you can now apply to future relationships? The Hermit is all about introspection. This card could also represent a very wise teacher who will guide you and advise this week. Listen to what this person has to say. They know whereof they speak.

In Health, we got The Devil. The Devil can often be about addiction. It's about feeling like you do not have control over your actions and your decisions. As this card appeared in our Health area, I sense it is referring to addiction or some bad habits that are interfering with your physical, mental, or emotional well being. These need to be addressed. They can be overcome but only with serious commitment. Very often we enjoy wallowing in our addictions. You need to be honest and reflect on whether or not you are ready to let go of an addiction. The addiction is serving a purpose and you need to know what that purpose is so you can find a healthy alternative for it.

An interesting week. The Hermit is shining his light right in the center and can illuminate many things for us if we choose to see. See you next week!

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Weekly Reading -- November 15-21, 2015 -- Anna K Tarot

Welcome to another weekly reading and thank you for joining me!

This week we have a very powerful "anchor" card in the form of The Empress who turned up in our Love/Relationship sector. The Empress is an amazing card and her energy can vastly improve not only our love life but every aspect of our life.

In Work, we got the Nine of Rods. The Rods are a suit about energy, inspiration, and action. When we reach the Nine, we are pretty much exhausted. We have put a lot of effort into what we are doing and may feel like we are overburdened or like we just have too much to handle. If you are feeling swamped, see what you can do to improve the situation. Negotiate and try to delegate some responsibilites to other people who have a lot more free time than you do. If that doesn't work or is not an option, make sure you take the time to rest and recharge whenever you can. If you need to, take a sick day (but think of it as a wellness day). You're entitled.

In Love/Relationships, we got The Empress. The Empress is just about the most fortuitious card you can see in this position. She is all about abundance, sensuality, sexuality, nature, fertility, growth, and acceptance. She can also represent pregnancy so if you don't want a child make sure you take measures to prevent any unexpected surprises. I think The Empress has turned up to tell us we need to sit back and let love come to us .... and give it freely to others. What we give out tends to come back to us. So if you want love and pleasure ... give it.

In Health, we got the Eight of Swords. I love this depiction of the Eight of Swords as a woman looking at her reflection in the mirror and seeing herself bound and helpless when in reality she is anything but. This is the message for you this week. Are you feeling sorry for yourself, feeling helpless, like your hands are tied? This is a quagmire of your own making and as long as you keep thinking this way the binds will get tighter. Choose to take action and improve your situation rather than thinking there is nothing you can do. Free yourself!

Have a wonderful week and see you next Sunday!

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Weekly Reading -- November 8-14, 2015 -- Connolly Tarot

Our reading this week is sunny and bright -- just like the deck I used, the Connolly Tarot.

Our Work card is the Five of Pentacles, reversed. The Five of Pentacles is often referred to as the "poverty card". It's about financial hardship but it can also be about emotional hardship. Sometimes we can feel outcast, like we don't belong ... or we can deliberately adopt that mindset out of a belief that the world is a terrible place, no one is trustworthy, and we need to handle things on our own. As the card was reversed, I believe a lightening of this feeling is in the works this week. We may have felt under a lot of financial or emotional pressure and that pressure is lessening. We are beginning to see relief.

Our Love/Relationship card is The Chariot. This is a wonderful card as it indicates powerful forward movement, confidence in yourself and your abilities. If you're single and have your eye on someone, you could be ready to move forward and approach them ... or you could simply be ready to get out in the dating arena again. If you are attached, this card could mean moving to the next phase of your relationship: an engagement, the purchase of a home for the two of you, or the decision to start a family. The Chariot is also about balancing our dark and light sides and making them work together harmoniously. This is extremely important if any relationship is going to flourish.

Our Health card is The Empress. This is an amazing card to show up in this area as The Empress is all about abundance, nature, fertility, and love. She is the Divine Mother. Abundance flows to her because she IS abundance. She gives freely and receives freely. I think that expressing love to others is going to be key this week and in turn this will benefit you so much emotionally and physically. Be kind, open, and giving this week. Receive kindness and love from others. Forgive petty differences because resentment breeds negativity. The Empress is also very much about pleasure. Get out in the outdoors and enjoy the sensuality and beauty of your surroundings. Give yourself to whatever you're doing emotionally and physically this week.

Enjoy this beautiful energy!

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Weekly Reading -- November 1-7, 2015 -- Tarot of the Witches

I thought I would celebrate Halloween and Samhain by using the Tarot of the Witches this week. Wishing a very blessed Samhain to my Wiccan and pagan readers/viewers.

Our reading this week is geared towards thought and decisions but those two cards are dwarfed by the presence of the mighty Emperor in our Love/Relationship area.

For Work, we got the Two of Swords. The Two of Swords can be about making a decision and being conflicted about that decision. You're not sure which way to go or what to do. Whenever you are faced with a difficult decision it's important to do two things: 1. Take your time. 2. Go with your gut. Your intuition will always steer you in the right direction.

For Love/Relationship, we got The Emperor. This is a very powerful, capable, successful male. He is very comfortable ruling his kingdom and the people in it. He runs a tight ship and can be domineering at times but in a good way. His intentions are good. This is someone who is moral, well meaning and wants his kingdom to thrive. You could already know this person or this commanding figure could appear in your life this week. Listen to what he has to say. This card could also have appeared to let you know that you need to channel his energy this week. Rule your own life. Don't let anyone dominate you or make your decisions for you. Take charge in love and relationships this week (but not in a vicious way ... in a benevolent way).

For Health, we got the Nine of Swords. The Nine of Swords is about an accumulation of worry and stress. You have all these thoughts in your mind or worries and concerns. They could be keeping you up at night and robbing you of sleep. You need to relax and take time for you. This state of mind can have a negative impact on your health so it is important to make sure to decompress and be good to yourself. Laughter is a great way to destress. Meditation is also fantastic for alleviating stress and getting your mind into a calm, centred place.

Have a wonderful week, everyone!

Sunday, 25 October 2015

Weekly Reading -- October 25-31, 2015 -- Druid Craft Tarot

It looks like thinking will be prevalent for us this week as we got two Swords cards in our reading. However we also got a Cups card in the area of work which looks like emotional satisfaction could be very promising in that area.

In Work, we got the Queen of Cups. The Queen of Cups lives from her heart. She gives and receives love and knows how to freely express her heart's desires. This card is telling you that you should do the same, especially if you are thinking of starting your own business. We should all be able to earn a living doing what we love. This card is nudging you to do that. What service could you offer that would really help people and give you satisfaction as well? What do you truly love to do? What do you do that you enjoy that you don't get paid for (for the time being)? That is a clue as to what you should be doing in your career.

In Love/Relationship, we got the Seven of Swords. This card is often thought of as the "deception" card or the "tact" card. It's about keeping things close to the vest, for good or bad. In the Druid Craft tarot, however, the image on the card suggests retreating to figure something out that has been weighing on your mind. As this card is in our relationship area, are you trying to figure something out about a relationship? Are you weighing the pros and cons? If so, definitely take your time. Do not make any impulsive decisions while you are in assessment mode. Do all the figuring first and don't divulge your thoughts until you're ready to express them.

In Health, we got the Ace of Swords. In this card, the sword is being boldly held out of the water in what looks like triumph or some great purpose. You could get a bold new idea or come across a new idea regarding your health this week. Maybe you'll see a book, watch a video or even hear a conversation that piques your interest. Go with it. Aces are always about new beginnings and this could be a very positive start.

Have a wonderful week, my tarot peeps!

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Weekly Reading -- October 18-24, 2015 -- Housewives Tarot

We could encounter some financial or relationship stress this week but the key is to remain grounded and call upon your inner strength. No matter what or who tries to push your buttons, do NOT overreact.

Our Work card is The Empress, reversed. Upright The Empress represents abundance, fertility, the divine feminine. She draws abundance to her simply because of her gentle, loving, allowing nature. As the card was reversed it indicates that we are blocking this energy that is within us. We have the ability to manifest, create, and receive but we are either not seeing it or subconsciously blocking it. Look around you and see the abundance that you are missing. It is definitely there. You also have the ability to draw more of it to you. Relax, breathe, and allow.

Our Love/Relationship card is Strength. Strength is about inner strength. It's about our ability to control our emotions and not allow them to derail us and send us down the wrong path. This card in this position indicates that we need to call upon that energy this week. People we are involved with could be pushing our buttons this week, testing our patience, crossing boundaries. Stay calm and above all, do NOT overreact (as I said in my intro). This card could also mean that someone in our lives will come to us precisely because we have this inner strength and they need our help. Extend your helping hand to that person and be that support for them.

Our Health card is the Six of Swords, reversed. The Six of Swords is about getting away from a place or situation that has caused you some anguish in the past. It's about going to a safe haven and recovering from a tough time. As this card was reversed it indicates that we are blocked from doing this. We may be stuck in a place that makes us feel uncomfortable, worried, or stressed. Once again, the energy in the Strength card will serve us well here. Call upon that inner strength to deal with a difficult situation. If you let it stress you out and worry you too much it could affect your health. Just relax and know that the challenge will eventually pass. It's how you deal with it that matters.

Have a great week, everyone!

Sunday, 11 October 2015

Weekly Reading -- October 11-17, 2015 -- Cosmic Tarot

All Wands cards this week are indicating a fiery week ahead full of passion, inspiration, and action.

In Work, we got the Four of Wands, reversed. Upright this card is all about foundation in a creative, active sense. The necessary steps have been taken and success has been achieved. However as this card was reversed it indicates some challenges in this area. We may not feel our efforts have taken root or paid off the way we want them to. This can definitely be remedied. Take a lot at your situation and see what feels "off". Then do what you can to make a positive shift.

In Love/Relationships, we got the Ace of Wands, a very sexy card. :) If you are coupled, this can indicate a renewal or resurgence of passion between you and your partner. If you are single, this can indicate meeting someone who REALLY turns you on. Either that or you are just feeling hot, sexy, and very confident about yourself. Let the fire burn. :)

In Health, we got the Queen of Wands. This Queen is dynamic, sexy, and loves to have a good time. She is an accomplisher and prefers to be in the driver's seat at all times. This can indicate someone in your life who is a very positive influence health-wise or you could be feeling this way. Overall this card is telling us to embrace this Queen's fiery energy and get out there and DO things. Move your body, enjoy yourself. It will do wonders for you.

Have a wonderful, passionate week!

Sunday, 4 October 2015

Weekly Reading -- October 4-10, 2015 -- Morgan Greer Tarot

What's a tarot reader to do when a negative card pops up in a reading? The only thing to do is tell the truth but offer some constructive advice regarding the situation. We got a very negative card in our read this week in our Love/Relationship area. Some of us could experience a very bad argument in our personal relationships.

In Work, we got the Page of Swords, reversed. The Page is a court card and likely represents a person with this energy in your work life. Upright the Page is an eager learner, a fledgling, someone who is perhaps a little immature in the way they think and communicate. Reversed this could symbolize a difficult person or someone extremely passive. Perhaps a previously confrontational or difficult person has suddenly become meek and mild. If you're unemployed this could mean you're really lying low this week and taking it easy. Can you afford to? If not, you may need to motivate yourself to get things done.

In Love/Relationships, we got the Ten of Pentacles, reversed. Upright this card is all about happy family, financial security, stability and success. Reversed this could mean the exact opposite: arguments and financial problems. If there are issues in your relationship you need to address make sure you do it constructively. This could be the kind of argument where someone says the wrong thing and it leads to catastrophe. Be mindful of what you say and how you say it.

In Health, things couldn't be better with The Sun card. The Sun is all about happiness, vitality, radiance. You could be feeling amazing this week physically. You're taking great care of yourself and feeling the results. If your habits are not what you want them to be this card could indicate that if you make some changes you will definitely feel the benefits.

Hope you all have an amazing week. Remember ... words have a great deal of power. Choose them carefully.

Sunday, 27 September 2015

Weekly Reading -- September 27-October 3, 2015 -- Aquarian Tarot

I'm pleased to say the cards are much kinder and mellower this week. :) There is some very nice energy in store although we could have some difficulty in the health area. Awareness and attitude are key to transforming that energy.

In our Work, we got the Ace of Rods (or Wands). Aces signify new opportunities or beginnings. If employed you could get a promotion or start a new project that really excites you. If unemployed you could get a job offer or a great idea related to work. Since Rods relate to creativity and inspiration if you are an artist you could get a great idea this week that really gets your creative juices flowing. Go with it. Follow that creative path.

In Love/Relationships, we got the Page of Cups. This could represent you or someone in your life with Page of Cups qualities which are dreamy, loving, open, optimistic, perhaps a bit naive. Pages are said to represent children or people with childlike qualities. If the card relates to you, enjoy this energy. If you are single you could be feeling very romantic and dreamy. There could be someone you want to reveal your affections to but you may be feeling a bit shy. That's okay. Take your time and do so when (and if) you feel comfortable. If you are in a relationship, you could feel a resurgence of romance or be seriously considering your options regarding the relationship. (I'm thinking of that reversed Nine of Rods we got last week.)

In Health, we got the Ace of Cups in reverse. Again, this refers to a beginning but it has been turned upside down. Perhaps something that started out well has suddenly hit a roadblock. Don't beat yourself up about this. If you find yourself "falling off the wagon" reflect about why it happened and get right back on. Alcohol could be an issue. If you are concerned about your own drinking habits or the drinking habits of someone close to you now is the time to address it.

In summary this looks like a pretty smooth, enjoyable week except for possible challenges in the Health area. Never underestimate the power of the mind to put things back into balance. Focus is everything.

See you next week!

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Weekly Reading -- September 20-26, 2015 -- Anna K Tarot

Sorry for the delay in our reading this week, folks, but better late than never! Our regular schedule will resume this coming week. :)

The cards are indicating challenges ahead in every sector: Work, Relationship, and Health. When situations like these arise try not to see them as negative but as positive opportunities for growth. Challenging situations are simply letting you know that something needs to be adjusted.

In Work, we drew the Ace of Cups in reverse. Aces represent new opportunities or fresh beginnings. Cups represent our emotions and spiritual selves. With the card reversed it indicates a blockage of this energy. We may feel stuck in a job we hate or feel unable to pursue our "dream" career. Search for solutions. If you look hard enough and open your mind enough you will get ideas.

In Relationship, we drew the Nine of Rods (or Wands) in reverse. The Nine of Rods is about exhaustion. In terms of emotions and relationship, this card could be expressing that you have reached your limit in a relationship. You are just about to walk or you are seriously considering it. And you need to. Make sure that whatever effort and energy you are putting into a relationship is worthwhile. If you keep doing all the work or suffering endlessly, what is the point? If you are single this card could indicate that you are beyond frustrated with your search for the right partner. If you start feeling sorry for yourself and projecting anger about being single you will only sabotage yourself and drive the right person away from you. Attitude is key.

In Health, we drew The Devil in reverse. This card indicates a major health concern that could relate to an addiction or negative thinking. The Devil is all about feeling like you are a slave to someone or something (like an addiction). You could be feeling powerless or helpless but you are not. You are the ruler of your own life. It is time to take control and free yourself from limiting beliefs. They are affecting or could affect your health.

Meditation is a great way to destress and explore yourself. I highly recommend that if you are facing these kinds of challenges that you free up some time for meditation. It will greatly assist you in feeling more at peace and relaxed ... which is exactly the state of mind we need to be in to make important decisions.

Sunday, 13 September 2015

Weekly Reading -- September 13-19, 2015 -- Housewives Tarot

Greetings, tarot peeps! :) I've decided to start uploading my readings on Sundays rather than Mondays from now on. Hope you enjoy the slight change in schedule.

This week I am using the Housewives Tarot, a wonderful deck that I believe is very underrated. It has a whimsical, quirky feel but definitely gives very insightful, effective readings.

Our week looks like it is going to go very smoothly except for some possible snags in our emotional/relationship realm.

Our Work/material life card is the Three of Cups, the card of celebration. You could find yourself attending an office party or celebrating something regarding your work or career. Perhaps you got a new job or started a new school year. If you are unemployed this card could simply be indicating a fun week ahead with friends. You could have a lot of fun socializing this week.

Our Relationship card is the Magician reversed. Upright the Magician is a very positive, powerful card emphasizing the strength of our focus and will to manifest what we want in our lives. As it is reversed this could mean that you are feeling very blocked in that area. If you are attached, you could have disputes with your partner. If single, you could feel blocked about attracting the mate you want. Calm down and step back from the frustration. Communicate clearly to get what you want. This card could also be a warning about a smooth talker, someone who seems to be good to be true. Don't trust blindly and don't believe everything someone says. Give them time to reveal themselves before you decide to get deeply involved.

Our Health card is the Three of Wands, a card of accomplishment. This card is like getting a pat on the back. If you have started something new regarding your health this card is letting you know that it is working well and the results will come in. Don't get frustrated if things don't appear to be happening fast enough. Just keep doing what you're doing because you are doing well.

Have a great week, everyone!

Monday, 7 September 2015

Weekly Reading -- September 6-12, 2015 -- NEW FORMAT!!! -- DruidCraft Tarot

Greetings, fellow explorers! :) I decided on a different approach with our reading this week. It is still a 3-card draw but each card represents a different aspect of our lives: Work, Relationships, Health. Please feedback to me and let me know what you think. Do you prefer this method or my previous mode of reading?

Our Work card is the Eight of Wands. Swift movement. Expect results. You have set events in motion and they are well on their way to bringing you results. You could get news about a job. This card indicates smooth sailing, things working like clockwork.

Our Relationship card is the Queen of Cups. This is a card of total emotional fulfillment and acceptance. This Queen is at peace with her situation so whether you are single or in a couple, this card indicates contentment and ease. It also indicates some kind of emotional intention being put out in the world. Don't be afraid to make a wish and act on it. The way the Queen appears in this card it is likely your wish will come true. :)

Our Health card is The Magician. This card is all about taking control and directing your will. If you have been feeling run-down and sluggish lately it could be due to your thoughts and attitudes. The Magician urges you to take charge and MAKE yourself feel better. Obviously if you have troubling health concerns, consult your physician. But if you're just feeling a general physical blahness, get active and take charge of your body. Change your diet. Get some exercise. Recognize the power of your mind to affect everything, including your health.

Hope you enjoyed this new format. See you next week! Enjoy the wonderful energies surrounding us.

Monday, 31 August 2015

Weekly Reading -- August 30-September 5, 2015 -- ANNA K TAROT

Some readings show such clear indications of struggle and stress there is no getting around it ... such is this week's reading. :)

To put it plainly, this week could be a bitch and a half for some of us. We have two Major Arcana cards flanking our central Ten of Pentacles, which is a wonderful card. That's the good thing. :) At its core our week has happiness in a family or tribe and a sense of true stability. But there are big challenges on either side.

The Emperor in reverse can indicate someone who is making our lives hell. This could be the stereotypical evil boss or a domineering older male, someone who is very good at making our lives difficult. On the other side we have The Tower in reverse, which is a milder form of the card. With the card upright The Tower indicates sudden disaster or calamity but in reverse we saw the disaster coming or we are well prepared to deal with it.

I saw another possibility in this reading. If there has been infidelity going on, whether you are the cheater or the cheatee, it is going to come to light this week. With The Tower in reverse it indicates that the person being cheated on suspected it ... but there will still be a blowup. So if you're the perpetrator, be prepared to take your lumps. :)

If you have a difficult week, you do have that amazingly positive, warm embrace of your tribe to return to for encouragement and love. Lean on them in times of stress. They will support you.

Good luck, everyone!

Monday, 24 August 2015

Weekly Reading -- August 23-29, 2015 -- Conscious Spirit Oracle Cards

I decided to switch it up and use Kim Dreyer's lovely Conscious Spirit Oracle rather than tarot this week. Hope you enjoy the change of pace!

Our cards this week are giving us the message to reach out not only to the people in our world but to the universe as well. We are being encouraged to share our thoughts, our love, and our kindness with others. We're also being encouraged to share our concerns and questions with the universe and with the divine -- specifically, Archangel Gabriel, the divine messenger. If you've been feeling down or worried about the way things are going in your life ask the archangel to show you some signs. Allow yourself to be open to the messages you receive. The more you allow yourself to be open to what comes, not only from the people around you but from the divine, you will feel your passion reignited.

Open your heart and open your mind this week. Allow yourself to express love and kindness toward others and allow yourself to receive assistance from beyond.


Monday, 17 August 2015

Weekly Reading -- August 16-22, 2015 -- Morgan Greer Tarot

This week could be emotionally challenging for some of us but it's very important for us to see this as a positive and an opportunity for huge growth. Every once in awhile life gives us the opportunity to do some "spring cleaning" or decluttering. This week could be one of those opportunities.

Two Major Arcana cards are in our reading this week and all three cards are reversed. This indicates major issues are at play but due to the reversals there could be blockages or negative dynamics going on. The King of Cups and The Empress are both playing their parts. I believe these two cards represent significant people in our lives who are not doing us any good. As a matter of fact they could be doing us a lot of harm. We appear in the reading as The Fool -- someone with great aspirations and potential. That potential is being squashed by negative people around us.

If you encounter people or have people in your life who are constantly putting you down, emotionally manipulating you, and withholding their love and support, ask yourself: What purpose are these people serving in my life? If you feel nothing but unhappiness and frustration in their company the purpose they are serving may be to force you to move on from their negative influence. Rather than seeing leaving them behind as a loss, see it as a positive opportunity to become more self-reliant and less dependent on the presence of certain people in your life.

Romantic rejection is another possibility for this reading. The Fool is offering his rose to The Empress and not only is she reversed, she is ignoring him, staring straight ahead. The King of Cups could represent The Fool's "big feelings", hurt feelings or even another person. Perhaps a love triangle is going on? Whatever the case, if you express your romantic interest in someone this week they may not return your interest. Again, don't let rejection make you think any less of yourself. That person was simply not right for you.

Don't let anyone squash your spirit. Pack your bags (even if it's only metaphorically) and move on.

Monday, 10 August 2015

Weekly Reading August 9-15, 2015 -- Going Back to Basics with My Classic Rider-Waite Deck

Hello there, thank you for joining me for another weekly reading! I felt strongly called to go back to basics with my classic and inscrutable Rider-Waite deck this week and as usual my intuition was rewarded with a very powerful message.

We could encounter difficult people or a difficult situation this week. Whether it is work-related or whether it regards personal relationships, we are likely to encounter bickering, negativity, people's egos getting in the way and everyone trying to convince you that their opinion is right and you should follow their lead. It's very important for you to stand up for yourself and speak your mind but it's even more important for you to come from a place of calm and serenity when you do so, as symbolized by the Four of Swords.

The Four of Swords has always been one of my favourite cards in the Rider-Waite tarot. It evokes such peace and restfulness of mind. This is essential when dealing with people who are all riled up and invested in their own agendas. In order to deal with them in the most effective way you need to come from a place of total calm and self assurance. That way even if they still don't listen to you or continue to act chaotically it has no effect on your peace of mind.

If people challenge you or try and joust with you this week, take a deep breath and smile. Go to your peaceful place. No need to make war ... and realizing this means you will always walk away from any battle intact and unscarred.

Have a wonderful week!

Monday, 3 August 2015

Weekly Reading -- August 2-8, 2015 -- Dali Tarot Universal

We may feel the call of the open road this week, literally or figuratively. You may feel a wanderlust stirring within you, the urge to do something totally unknown and out of character ... but life has a tendency to get in the way with personal responsibilities and annoying interruptions.

I don't know about you but summer has a tendency to remind me of my youth, when I was more likely to throw caution to the wind and throw myself into every new experience and relationship. Then we get older, get jobs and families, and those urges seem not only impractical but irresponsible. Maybe they are, maybe they're not. The gift of getting older is the ability to discern these things.

You may find or feel an opportunity to express that Fool energy this week and maybe pay your younger self a visit. However life does have a tendency to get in the way sometimes. You may have to put off your adventure for awhile but the window of opportunity will arrive. For now just enjoy the stirrings of the Fool's energy within you. You'll know when the time is right to sling the pack on your shoulder.

Monday, 27 July 2015

Weekly Reading -- July 26-August 1, 2015 -- Simply Deep Tarot

Get your fans and air conditioners ready because this week is all about fire and passion! All of our cards this week are Wands cards which signify creativity, passion, inspiration, sexual energy and the drive to express yourself.

We have two reversals but we also have the incredibly strong support of the King of Wands, either externally or within ourselves. It is definitely possible to turn the reversals upright and channel their positive energy if we can embrace his confidence, ambition, and dynamism. The King of Wands is a huge achiever. He gets out and DOES things and captures everyone's attention and admiration while he does it. He is not afraid to be seen and to pursue his desires.

It's time to bold and take a chance with an idea. Don't be afraid to shine and don't allow others to steal your light from you. Be the King of Wands ... go out and get whatever it is you want.

Have fun with this energy this week!

Monday, 20 July 2015

Weekly Reading -- July 20-26, 2015 -- Aquarian Tarot

Welcome to another reading! The cards are giving us a bit of kick in the pants this week. With the Page of Rods dead center and two reversed Major Arcana on either side this indicates some major possibilities are in the works ... but they are blocked.

The two Major Arcana in our spread this week are The Chariot and The Sun. One is a card of great power and focus and the other is a card of great joy. The combination of the two upright is unstoppable. It's a journey towards great fulfillment and happiness. In this case, they are reversed.

What this tells me, with the meek little Page of Rods standing unobtrusively between them, is that we really want to venture into the unknown and try something new and exciting. Our passion is calling us -- whether it's the stirrings of a creative project, exploring new career opportunities or travel destinations, or dipping our toes into a new relationship. The problem is that we are stopping ourselves. Fear could be getting in the way. Negative self talk could be stopping us before we have a chance to even set out on our journey.

It's only wise to consider carefully before starting anything new. However it is very unwise to automatically reject something simply because it is unfamiliar to us. The Sun is a definite indication that great joy and fulfillment awaits us but we are allowing our insecurities and lack of confidence stop our chariots from moving.

Don't let it happen. Be brave this week. Take the plunge. The cards are saying it will be well worth it.

Monday, 13 July 2015

Weekly Reading -- July 13-19, 2015 -- Vanessa Tarot

At first glance I thought this week's reading was about learning new ways of thinking and relating to a problematic state of affairs and that certainly is in the mix this week. However the more I looked at it the more the real message stood up, grabbed a bullhorn and aimed it directly at me.

This week's reading is about speaking your truth.

If you are feeling overworked, overburdened, trapped or stuck in a situation, you owe it to yourself to remedy that situation. The Page of Swords is the star of the show this week and she is urging you on. She is telling you to stand up for yourself. Many of us take on too much out of a sense of duty, obligation or simply habit. We cannot do everything for everyone. We need to remember that we are our number one priority and it is not selfish to look out for your mental and physical well-being.

Speaking your truth doesn't have to be mean being aggressive or hostile. Simply state the facts calmly, rationally, and logically. This is the way things are. This is how I feel about it. This is what I need. If anyone takes offense at that, they are not the kind of people you want in your life anyway.

Good luck and remember -- it is NOT selfish to make your well-being a priority.

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

How to Shuffle & Select Tarot Cards: A Few Methods

Many tarot beginners approach their cards with trepidation. They're not quite sure how to handle them or they worry that they might be doing something wrong. The thing to remember is that there IS NO WRONG. As long as your approach to the tarot is sincere, genuine, and open hearted, there can never be any wrong.

Just as important as how to shuffle your cards is getting into the right mindset to work with the cards. Make sure your space is undisturbed and that you will not be interrupted. Before you work with your cards, make sure to take a few moments to relax and still your mind. Take a few deep breaths. I like to think of my time with the cards as sacred time. Approach it that way. Make it special in whatever way works best for you.

The video below shows a few different methods of shuffling and selecting tarot cards. There are certainly many more. Please feel free to share your methods if you wish. I hope you enjoy this little tutorial.

Monday, 6 July 2015

Weekly Reading -- July 6-12, 2015 -- Anna K Tarot

Two Major Arcana appear in our reading again this week. This time they are The Hanged Man and Strength reversed. The Eight of Pentacles in reverse rounds out the spread.

The Hanged Man is a card of great discomfort and a feeling of helplessness. You may feel stuck in a situation, as if your hands are tied. Since the Eight of Pentacles is the only Minor Arcana card in our reading I believe our feelings of frustration are work or money related. Perhaps you really dislike your job or are having difficulties with someone at work.

The key to solving this problem is the lesson in the Strength card. Upright this card is the ultimate problem solver. When you come to a point where you realize that no one has the power to upset you unless you allow them to, you will never feel frustrated again. You will realize how powerful you are and that the way you react to situations is entirely up to you. You can choose to allow a person or situation to rattle you or you can calmly, gracefully, and powerfully decide to take control of your emotions and your life.

The choice is yours. :)

Enjoy the reading and see you next week!

Monday, 29 June 2015

Weekly Reading June 29-July 5, 2015 & Paying Homage to One of My Heroes

Yesterday on Facebook I saw a post that greatly saddened me. Chris Squire, bass player for the classic rock band Yes, passed yesterday from complications due to leukemia. He was 67 years old.

I decided to pay homage to him before I started our weekly reading because he was very special to me. I am a music fan ... an ardent music fan. :) I was lucky enough to grow up in a household with two older brothers who had great musical taste and as fortune would have it, Yes records were a prevalent part of my household. I grew up listening to the amazing progressive rock albums of bands like Yes, Pink Floyd, ELP and many more.

Yes was a band that resonated with me INSTANTLY. Not only were they amazing musicians but their songs were epics that tended to last twenty minutes or more with complex arrangements that only virtuoso musicians could handle. Their music gave me countless hours of pleasure and tweaked my imagination. It sparked my belief in the power of the divine because only could the divine make such divine music. :)

So thank you, Chris Squire, for giving me that. The perfection of your bass will forever reverberate through my heart and soul. You are now a Starship Trooper playing your bass in the cosmos. As it should be. :)

As for our reading .... strap yourselves in! :) This week could see some of us dealing with sudden negative events that really strike us at our core. However this is happening for the greater good and once we get through the initial shock and allow ourselves to heal we will realize that in the long run we are much better off than before. This needs to happen so that we can get to what is really waiting for us.

Be gentle with yourself. Breathe. Meditate. Listen to some great Yes music. :)

See you next week!

Monday, 22 June 2015

Weekly Reading (with Special Guest!) -- June 21-27, 2015

Major changes are taking place this week. Our inner selves are reworking and shifting and changing form ... but much like the butterfly gestating in the cocoon this change will happen organically and in its own time. It cannot be rushed. Patience and balance are required but it will be so worth it when the completed version emerges.

In the mix we have a sudden burst of energy with the Ace of Wands. This could come to us as a brilliant new idea or a burst of invigorating physical energy that livens us up and makes us feel powerful. Enjoy it!

Thursday, 18 June 2015

What Kind of Reader Am I & What Kind of Client Are You?

Hello everyone. This brief video will give you an updated story of who I am, who I serve, and what you can expect from a reading with me. I also talk about a few new readings featured on my website.

Give it a listen and I hope to work with you soon! :)

Monday, 15 June 2015

Weekly Reading -- June 14-20, 2015 -- Crystal Visions Tarot

Progress is progress. What has been learned cannot be unlearned. That's one of the things this week's reading is about.

Many of us have experienced a great deal of stress and strife lately. While it has been difficult these experiences have taught us lessons that have changed us fundamentally. The trumpet is blowing on a whole new era but we have to be brave and embrace the change that awaits us. Don't allow self doubt, fear, and ruminating on the past to hold you in place. Move past it fearlessly, like the Queen of Wands. Claim what has always been yours but has remained unclaimed up to now.

It's time to live the life you've always been meant to live. :)

Have a wonderful week!

Monday, 8 June 2015

Weekly Reading -- June 8-14, 2015 -- SHERLOCK HOLMES TAROT

This week's reading is all about internal work. Someone may take you by surprise and rock you emotionally this week. You could also find yourself trying to find ways to change your emotional state. Perhaps you've been locked in one state of being for a very long time which you know has to change .... yet you feel like a novice in terms of what to do about it. 

We all have to start somewhere. As long as you put in the consistent time, effort, and focus, things WILL change. They may take some time to reveal themselves but what is not visible immediately exists under the surface. The changes are taking place in your mind and they will manifest when the changes are solid and mature enough. 

Change is a learning process and especially in this case, very much worth it. 

Have a great week and see you next Monday!

Friday, 5 June 2015

You Pick the Card! -- Farewell Edition

Welcome to our final You Pick the Card draw. I will miss doing these readings for you but who knows ... they may make a comeback in the future.

In the meantime, you have three wonderful decks to choose from: the Anna K Tarot, the Tarot of the New Vision, and the Old English Tarot. Focus and select the card that wants to give you a message for the weekend.

See you on Monday for our weekly reading! Have a great weekend.

Monday, 1 June 2015

Weekly Reading -- June 1-7, 2015 -- Psychic Tarot

Welcome to another weekly reading! This week's cards are from John Holland's Psychic Tarot.

Our reading is comprised of two Pentacles or earthly cards and one chakra card this week. Chakras are energy centers in the body. The solar plexus chakra card which came up in our reading signifies our "power center" or self image center.

Some of us could be feeling a lack or instability in finances this week. We need to watch our money extremely carefully and make sure to spend or distribute finances wisely. Strengthening our solar plexus chakra could help us navigate the week more easily. I have included a link to a solar plexus chakra meditation which is highly recommended.

Enjoy the reading and see you on Friday for our final You Pick the Card draw.

Friday, 29 May 2015

You Pick the Card! -- Sherlock Holmes Tarot, Goddess Tarot, Medieval Scapini Tarot

Happy Friday, everyone! Welcome to another You Pick the Card draw.

Due to time constraints, I have decided that this is the second-last You Pick the Card reading. I have been swamped with orders lately and just cannot find the extra time to do them anymore. My weekly readings on Monday will continue but next week will be our final You Pick the Card draw. Enjoy!

Have a great weekend.

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

How to Read Tarot Cards ... Even If You've Never Read Tarot Cards!

If you're a tarot beginner or someone who has "learn to read tarot cards" etched on your bucket list, welcome to my first tarot tutorial.

In this video I show you an intimidation-free way to dip your toe into the tarot pool and start reading the cards FROM SCRATCH with no "book knowledge" whatsoever.

As you develop as a tarot reader, you will want to incorporate book knowledge into your craft and start studying the meanings and symbology within the cards. But for now, here is a stress-free and fun way to start reading tarot NOW.

Hope you enjoy the tutorial and please feedback below if you found this tutorial helpful.

Monday, 25 May 2015

Weekly Reading -- May 25-31, 2015

Welcome to another weekly reading! This week's reading comes to us from the Morgan Greer Tarot.

It's all about encouragement and visualization this week. We got two Major Arcana cards signifying major themes taking place and one Cups card: the "nostalgia" card, the Six of Cups.

If we look at this reading as a story, I see The Fool as the main character. He is looking toward The Magician who is very powerful and dynamic. It's almost as if The Fool is studying him and comitting his actions to memory in order to imitate him later. In the background we have the Six of Cups which could represent unhealthy ties to the past that are holding us back and preventing us from realizing our potential. We cannot create something new if we remain stuck in the past.

Confidence is key and The Magician can teach us about that. If you're not feeling confident enough to be in the place you want to be, think of the phrase "fake it till you make it." Everything that now exists in form or being was once a thought. Everything arises from thought. Picture it, imagine yourself there, and act AS IF. Be your own Magician this week.

Enjoy the reading and see you on Friday for You Pick the Card!

Friday, 22 May 2015

You Pick the Card! -- Rumi Tarot, Llewellyn Classic Tarot, Voyager Tarot

Happy Friday, everyone! Three more beautiful decks are awaiting your selection so they can deliver their message to you.

Enjoy and see you on Monday!

Monday, 18 May 2015

Monday, 11 May 2015

Weekly Reading -- May 10-16, 2015 -- Anna K. Tarot

Total peace and contentment are possible this week if we don't allow delays or frustration to throw us off. Life rarely happens on our timetable and when things don't go our way or happen when we want them to, self doubt and all kinds of negative thoughts can creep in and threaten that sense of contentment with life. We need to learn how to manage those negative thoughts. The way we manage them is through gentle acceptance, symbolized by the Strength card.

Keep the image on the Strength card in your mind this week if you encounter delays or frustration. If you can make your way through the negativity, you'll be able to bask happily in the sunshine.

See you on Friday for You Pick the Card! Have a great week.

Friday, 8 May 2015

You Pick the Card! -- Doreen Virtue Oracle Cards

Happy Friday, everyone!

This week's decks are all Doreen Virtue oracle cards. Choose from the Angel Therapy oracle, the Goddess Guidance oracle, or the Messages from Your Angels oracle deck.

Enjoy your reading and have a great weekend! See you on Monday for our weekly draw.

Monday, 4 May 2015

Weekly Reading -- May 3-9, 2015 -- New Mythic Tarot

Welcome to the first week of May! :)

This week's reading has a heavy emotional component to it which seems to be triggered by our first card, the Four of Pentacles. Four is the number of foundation and this card is positive in the sense that it's telling us our financial needs are being met. However we could be worrying and stressing about money too much. Maybe we feel like we are not making enough money ... that we need to "keep up with the Joneses" and it's affecting how we feel about ourselves.

The Three and Page of Cups in reverse is telling us that we are not having fun and not feeling very good about ourselves. We could be letting what we perceive other people think about us and what we do affect our sense of self.

Remember that money is secondary to happiness. Money is necessary to fulfill basic financial needs but it cannot buy happiness. Happiness comes from within. Spend some time focusing on the good things in your life and the people you love. Spend time with them, have fun. Stop putting so much importance on projecting an image of success. True success is feeling the freedom to be who you are and feel good about it.

Have a wonderful week!

Friday, 1 May 2015

You Pick the Card! -- New Mythic Tarot, Vanessa Tarot, Cosmic Tarot

Happy Friday!

Get yourself into a peaceful space, ponder the decks before you, and choose your card. The message you receive will usher you into the weekend.

See you on Monday for our weekly draw. Have a great one!

Monday, 27 April 2015

Weekly Reading -- April 27-May 2, 2015 -- Llewellyn Classic Tarot

This week's reading could pave the way for some major transformation in our lives if we take the time to retreat and contemplate ... and keep what we learn to ourselves, at least for now.

We got two Major Arcana cards, The Hermit and The Fool, which indicate major themes going on. Those cards flank the Seven of Swords which, as I interpret it in this reading, signifies tact and discretion.

The Hermit is about wisdom, contemplation, and retreat. It requires a certain amount of solitude and discipline. It's about examining your life and reflecting on what your life is like right now, how your life got to be the way it is, what works for you and what doesn't work for you. It's about taking an inventory of the events in your life, putting them under a microscope and examining how it all unfolded.

Next we have the Seven of Swords. In some cases this card can be interpreted as deception or sneakiness. In this case I believe it relates to tact and discretion. It's about keeping what you learn to yourself and not telling your innermost thoughts or plans to just anyone. Sometimes if we have big plans and tell them to the wrong person those plans can be derailed and never get off the ground due to someone else's negativity or hidden agendas. Keep your contemplation private, at least for now.

The Fool (we also got The Fool in our reading last week) has reappeared so he is still tagging alongside us right now. The energy of us about to embark on a brand new journey is still in the air. The Fool is still urging us on to try something new, be bold and adventurous ... but be wary of his boundless optimism because sometimes it can lead him to make the wrong decisions. Rely on the wisdom of The Hermit to lead you to the next step.

Enjoy your week and see you on Friday for our You Pick the Card reading.

Friday, 24 April 2015

You Pick the Card! -- Rajneesh Neo Tarot, Medieval Scapini, Steele Wizard Tarot

Happy Friday and welcome to another You Pick the Card draw.

This week I have included a very rare and beautiful deck that was gifted to me recently. (Thanks, Rob!) :) It is the Rajneesh Neo Tarot which was the only tarot deck personally authorized by master Indian guru Osho. (The Osho Zen deck was created after Osho had passed.) Only 35,000 decks were printed. You can imagine how thrilled I was when Rob told me the deck was now mine! I decided to commemorate its officially being mine by including it in our draw this week.

Have a wonderful weekend and see you on Monday for our weekly reading.

Monday, 20 April 2015

Weekly Reading w/bonus Oracle Card -- April 19-25, 2015 -- Morgan Greer Tarot

Hello everyone,

I decided to pull an oracle card with our weekly reading so that you can see what it's like to get a 3-card reading from me. All my 3-card readings include a bonus oracle card which provides a little epilogue to the reading or an extra piece of advice from the universe. I hope you enjoy the reading and if you'd like to order a reading from me, click here.

There are some major forces at work this week. If you've been feeling like you're in a dead end job or wasting your energy in a dead end situation, you could have an AHA! moment this week that inspires you to change things up. You've got some powerful energy backing you up.

Have a wonderful week. See you on Friday for our You Pick the Card draw.

Friday, 17 April 2015

You Pick the Card! -- Gaia Oracle, Faerie Wisdom, Les Vampires Oracle

Happy Friday!

Here is our You Pick the Card for this week. I decided to switch it up and use Oracle decks for a little variety. I'm using the Gaia Oracle, the Faerie Wisdom cards, and Lucy Cavendish's Les Vampires Oracle.

Take a moment to ponder the cards and pick one (or more). This will be your message for the weekend.

Hope you have a wonderful happy weekend! See you on Monday for our weekly draw.

Monday, 13 April 2015

Weekly Reading -- April 13-19, 2015 -- Crystal Visions Tarot

This week's reading is about high achievement on a small scale .... which is like a stepping stone on the way to big achievements. Right now, though, it's just time to kick back, relax and enjoy the feeling of accomplishment. We have two Wands cards and one Cups card this week: energy and emotion.

The Ace of Cups signifies a new beginning: a new feeling, a new emotional cycle. Whatever you have been doing lately has led to this new beginning, this new way of feeling. Maybe you're finally giving yourself credit for a job well done ... or receiving credit publicly and getting recognition for your achievement which makes you feel quite amazing. Enjoy it because you have earned it.

The Queen of Wands is bold and dynamic. She is not shy about taking credit for her abilities. Allow yourself to wear her crown this week. This doesn't mean that you should be egotistical or arrogant but definitely take pride in your achievements and in who you are. Allow yourself to shine brightly and don't be afraid of the spotlight.

The Ten of Wands is about coming to end of an energetic cycle. A lot of activity, work, and energy has been expended and it's time to rest and relax. If you can afford it, take some time off. Take a pleasure trip. Get a massage, spend time with people you love, pamper yourself in whatever way that works best for you. You deserve it!

Have a wonderful week!

Monday, 6 April 2015

Weekly Reading -- April 6-12, 2015 -- Osho Zen Tarot

Welcome to another weekly read! This week is all about manifesting your earthly desires.

Our first card up was the King of Rainbows (Pentacles in this deck), reversed. Upright this King is the ultimate manifester. He is so adept at manifesting his wants and needs that he doesn't even have to try hard (hence his laid back nature). Success just comes naturally to him. However as this card was reversed, this indicates we are having some difficulty in this area. Perhaps we're not trying hard enough. Perhaps we're being lazy or allowing other people to get in our way and throw us off track.

The King of Swords is telling you that you need to access that razor sharp clarity and focus of mind in order to accomplish your goals. Now is not the time for modesty. It's not about being egotistical but it's also not about being afraid to tout your skills to the rooftops. Be confident and project that air of confidence. It will take you a long way.

The Knight of Wands is one of my favourite cards in this deck. The image of him surging forward reminds me of a speed skater. He is pointed like an arrow at his goal (and notice he is looking toward the King of Rainbows, the ultimate success card). This is your goal right now and you need to use this knight's passion and drive to get you there.

It is totally possible to turn that King of Rainbows card upright and get yourself into that enviable position. But you need to have complete clarity of mind and the passion to see it through.

What an awesome week! See you on Friday for You Pick the Card.

Friday, 3 April 2015

Monday, 30 March 2015

Weekly Reading -- March 30-April 5, 2015 -- Crystal Visions Tarot

Welcome to my weekly reading. Our first card out from the Crystal Visions tarot was The Unknown Card, a very striking and prominent image that seems to be giving us a warning considering the other two cards that follow. The Nine of Wands reversed is about a lack of vigilance or a lack of effort in doing what it takes to protect what's yours. The Fool coming right after it suggests an even stronger pull of that energy.

If you feel tempted to do something impulsive or spontaneous this week, think twice. You could end up regretting it later. Look into your own inner crystal ball or talk over your exciting plans with a trusted advisor first. I'll steal a cliche and say Better safe than sorry.

Have a great week!

Monday, 23 March 2015

Weekly Reading -- March 23-29, 2015 -- Voyager Tarot

This week's reading is all about energy ... crackling, sizzling, fiery energy.

The catalyst for this energy burst could be the King of Wands (Man of Wands in this deck). He is definitely someone who could appear in your life this week and set off all kinds of energy and excitement in you. He could be a potential lover, a business partner, a boss ... who knows. The inability to tie him down is part of his allure as he wears many hats and plays many roles. He could also be letting you know that he wants you to express his charismatic confidence.

You could find yourself feeling unstoppable and inspired as a result of encountering this person or you could simply be feeling his enormous potential inside you. However, the Ace of Swords reversed comes in to throw that energy a bit off track. It could simply be your insecurity and doubts about the sincerity or authenticity of this person or idea. Pay attention to any genuine concerns but don't allow a great opportunity to pass you by.

Hope you enjoy and make the most of the excitement in the air this week.

Sunday, 22 March 2015


Word of mouth is one of the most important ways to find any service. Finding the right tarot reader for you is no exception. The following are just a few comments I have received about my readings.

If you are in the market for a tarot reading, I hope the following comments help you decide to avail yourself of my services. I am always here for you! :)


Friday, 20 March 2015

You Pick the Card! -- Tarot of Gemstones & Crystals, Voyager Tarot, Goddess Tarot

Happy Friday! I have some very interesting decks for you to choose from this week. Take a moment and see which card calls to you. Then get your message for the weekend.

Monday, 16 March 2015

Weekly Reading from My Table at the London Psychic Fair -- March 16-22, 2015

Welcome to another weekly reading! Once again I was at another psychic fair with the same organization and after having done two shows with them I can safely say that I am no longer a newbie and have gotten quite an education about the business. Not all of it was pleasant. I am planning another major vlog about it so look for it shortly. I am the kind of person who likes to help, not harm others, and I think that what I have to say is very important.

In the meantime enjoy the reading! Life seems to be all about work these days .... how about a little fun, universe? :)

Enjoy your week.

Friday, 13 March 2015

You Pick the Card! Medieval Scapini Tarot, Psychic Tarot, Steampunk Tarot

Happy Friday! Our decks for this week are the elegant Medieval Scapini Tarot, John Holland's Psychic Tarot and the Steampunk Tarot by Barbara Moore and Aly Fell.

This weekend I will be doing readings at the psychic fair in London, Ontario at the Ramada Inn, 817 Exeter Road. If you can come out and see me, I would love to work with you. Here are the dates and hours:

Friday March 13 -- 2 pm to 10 pm
Saturday March 14 -- 11 am to 10 pm
Sunday March 15 -- 11 am to 6 pm

Have a wonderful weekend and hope to see you there!

Monday, 9 March 2015

Weekly Reading From My Table at the Fair! March 9-15, 2015

Greetings everyone! I managed to squeeze in our weekly reading from my table at the psychic fair yesterday. It's a bit abbreviated due to time constraints but I hope you enjoy it.

Stay tuned for a vlog that I recorded at the fair ... coming soon!

Friday, 6 March 2015

You Pick the Card -- Sasha Fenton Tarot, New Mythic Tarot, PoMo Tarot

Happy Friday, everyone! Welcome to another You Pick the Card for this week. Take a moment to pick your card and get your special message. I hope you enjoy the reading.

If you are in Toronto or the GTA, I will be doing readings at the Hamilton Psychic Fair this weekend -- March 6, 7, and 8. The fair takes place at the Courtyard Marriott Hotel in Hamilton, 1224 Upper James Street. The hours are below:

Friday March 6 -- 2 pm to 10 pm
Saturday March 7 -- 11 am to 10 pm
Sunday March 8 -- 11 am to 6 pm

If you are nearby, I hope you can make it. I would love to put a face to the people who read my blog and watch my videos.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Monday, 2 March 2015

Weekly Reading -- March 2-8, 2015 -- Llewellyn Classic Tarot

Hello and welcome to March! The spring equinox is almost here, only days away ... and I know we're all happy about that! :)

Our reading this week is from the Llewellyn Classic Tarot. This week's reading shows us that we have an incredible amount of support around us. Not one but TWO Kings showed up in our reading along with the "ships coming in" card: the Three of Wands.

The Three of Wands is about having taken the necessary steps to set a force in motion. You have done the groundwork, laid the foundation, and now it's time to wait for the results. The results are a guarantee although they haven't manifested yet. In the meantime, while you wait for this seed to sprout (goes nicely with that spring equinox, doesn't it?) you have support from two very powerful figures and in two very powerful ways: emotional support and energetic support.

The two Kings could also be telling you that you have that emotional and energetic mastery inside you and to listen to what it is telling you. Either way, you're covered. Enjoy this exciting, anticipatory, powerful time.

Friday, 27 February 2015

You Pick the Card! -- Osho Zen, Vampire Tarot, Llewellyn Classic Tarot

Happy Friday! Here is our You Pick the Card for this week.

I have an interesting selection of decks to choose from this week: the Osho Zen, which is a very tranquil, mellow, wonderfully contemplative deck; the Vampire Tarot by Robert Place which is very dark and gothic; and the Llewellyn Classic Tarot, which I just purchased about a week ago. It follows the Rider-Waite system and the colors are refreshing, vibrant and beautiful. They really pop out at you.

Have fun picking your card and see you on Monday for our weekly draw. Have a great weekend!

Monday, 23 February 2015

Weekly Reading -- February 23-March 1, 2015 -- ANNA K TAROT

Hello and thanks for checking in for your weekly reading. This week I'm using the Anna K tarot.

As I explained in my video I have decided to start reading the cards as a whole rather than as segments of each particular week. I find that it's much more natural for me to read that way and it makes more sense to me. From now on I'm just going to let the cards tell us a story about the theme surrounding the upcoming week.

This week is all about work and developing your legacy. In order for us to enjoy that secure nest egg and enjoy time with our family, as well as hand down our money and traditions, we need to work hard to develop that base. It's much easier to do this if you enjoy what you do and see work as an extension of yourself, something you can be proud of. Do you enjoy what you do? Can you see yourself doing it for many years? Do you dread Mondays and going back to your routine or do you feel like you are following your path and fulfilling your calling? Obviously the latter is the far better option. If you're not doing what you love, find a way to do it. Make it your mission.

We could encounter a challenge in the workplace from a co-worker but if we treat this as the minor glitch that it is, it will pass us by with little effect. This could also be a family member, friend, or even a stranger. Don't allow the pettiness or immaturity of other people to affect you. Above all, don't let it jeopardize your work or concentration.

Hope you enjoy this week's reading and I'll see you on Friday for our You Pick the Card reading.

Friday, 20 February 2015

You Pick the Card -- Oracle Card version :)

Happy Friday everyone!

I decided to switch it up a bit this week and use oracle cards rather than tarot for our You Pick the Card reading. Oracle cards have a different feel than tarot cards. They are not as specific when it comes to a particular issue. Their messages are far more broad and general. I love them because their messages are simple to discern and their artwork is usually very soothing or playful. They just have a lighter feel than most tarot cards and they are a lot of fun to work with.

This week's decks are Denise Linn's Gateway Oracle, Doreen Virtue's Goddess Guidance Oracle (she calls them The Girlfriends because they have a real woman-to-woman feel), and the Fairy Tale Fortune Cards.

Hope you enjoy and have a wonderful weekend!

Monday, 16 February 2015

Weekly Reading: February 16-22, 2015 -- Rumi Tarot

Thanks for checking in for another weekly reading. This week we are using the Rumi Tarot, a beautiful deck that features the poetry of the Sufi mystic Rumi.

Our cards for the week are the Knight of Staves (or Wands), Justice, and the King of Staves. Two main interpretations came to me.

Firstly, the Knight of Staves means that we are going to start the week with a very strong sense of drive, accomplishment, and purpose. The Knight is a person who is ambitious and driven. He has a task to fulfill. You could start out your week feeling very ambitious in business, career, or some kind of aspiration. You feel like you are on fire, driven to succeed.

By mid-week the Justice card shows up. Justice is all about truth, the black and white of an issue. The FACTS. This could mean that you need to pay a lot of attention to detail in what you're doing, especially in business. Be careful before signing any contracts or committing yourself to anything.

The King of Staves is our final card. Kings are masters of their realm, people who have reached their peak in whatever suit they represent. The Staves (Wands) are a suit all about action, creativity, inspiration and energy. This King is a master of accomplishment. He is someone who is very successful at whatever he does, whether it's in business, sports, or in some creative endeavour.

Interpretation #1: With the Justice card coming right before the King, this tells me that truth and facts are going to be crucial in order to progress to this level of success. Once again, pay attention to the details. Be cautious before signing any legal documents or verbally committing yourself to something. You might even want to seek legal advice or the wise counsel of someone you trust.

Interpretation #2 (and I think this interpretation is even stronger than the first): One very important detail I forgot to mention is that the Justice card also represents karma. Karma is all about reaping what you sow. How you treat others is how people will treat you. When it comes to your aspirations this week, no matter how ambitious or success-driven you feel, make sure you don't sacrifice your morals or step on other people in order to get ahead. That kind of behaviour will always come back to bite you in the butt. If you treat people fairly and behave with honesty and intergrity, success will be yours.

I think the Justice card is our main focus this week. How do you treat others? Are you behaving with honesty and integrity? Are you being vigilant not only about your own behaviour but about the truth, the facts? Are you seeing a situation clearly? If all is clear, we can do a lot of growing this week and it will end on a very high note.

Have a great week!

Saturday, 14 February 2015

The Tarot Journal: An Essential Tool

Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you all enjoy some heartful, loving energy today regardless of whether you are paired up or single.

As promised in my You Pick the Card draw, I've done a little video on tarot journaling and why it's such an excellent practice for any reader or student of the tarot. As readers, we're always learning, whether you've only been reading for a year or whether you've been reading for twenty years. Tarot has a way of deepening your understanding as time passes and revelations are constantly coming. This is why tarot journaling is so valuable. It's a great way of adding to your knowledge base and I've always thought the actual process of writing things down helps to hardwire it into your brain. :)

I hope you enjoy the video. I included some long-lost footage (well, not lost, but it was recorded several months ago) of me in a Target store browsing for a new tarot journal.

Have a great weekend!

Friday, 13 February 2015

You Pick the Card! -- Angel Tarot, Rumi Tarot, Connolly Tarot

Hey there! It's Friday and time for another You Pick the Card!

This week our decks are Doreen Virtue's Angel Tarot, the mystical and magical Rumi Tarot, and the gorgeous Renaissance art themed Connolly Tarot. Pick your card and see what personalized message you get from the cards this week.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Monday, 9 February 2015

5 Ways to Use the Tarot (Other Than Readings)

Hello everyone! I published my first newsletter today and wanted to post a sample of it here and invite all who are interested to subscribe. My newsletter will be published on a bi-weekly basis and it will feature articles and assorted little tarot goodies from me that you won't find anywhere else. If you would like to subscribe, here's the link from my website.

Fill out the form and be sure to subscribe so that you don't miss anything! In the meantime, here's a sample of my first feature article:

Five Uses for Tarot Cards
(Other Than Readings)

Tarot cards are extremely versatile and can be used for a myriad of different purposes. Here are just a few you can try.

  1. Meditation
If you are interested in learning how to meditate or expanding your sense of a card, a great exercise is meditating on the card. Make sure that you are in a quiet place where you will not be interrupted for at least 15-30 minutes. Go through your deck card by card and see if any one card seems to “call” to you. There will usually be at least one card that you can sense is vying for your attention. Select that card and look at it. Study it very carefully, as if you are committing every detail in the card to memory. When you feel like you have a perfect picture of the card in your mind, close your eyes. Picture the card in front of you as if you are standing in that landscape. Look around you. Expand your vision of the card beyond the borders of the card. What are the sounds? What are the smells? What is the weather like? If there is a person in the card with you, watch them come to life. What are they doing? What are they saying? You can even interact with them if you choose. Spend some time “in” the card. When you are ready, say goodbye and walk away. Open your eyes.

  1. Inspiration
If there is a particular trait that you would like to enhance in your life – for example, Strength – take out the corresponding card that represents the trait or theme you want to explore. Repeat the meditation exercise above but this time really concentrate on a dialogue between you and the person, animal, landscape (whatever is pictured in the card). It doesn’t matter if the card doesn’t have a person in it. You can have a dialogue with inanimate objects as well. What do you want to ask the card? What is the person or landscape in the card saying to you? What advice would it give you? Take your time and ask it whatever you want or need to ask. Keep a notebook handy so that you can record the messages you receive.

  1. Breaking writer’s block
If you are a writer, tarot is a wonderful tool that can really jumpstart your imagination and get your creativity flowing. If your writing idea has stalled, take out your tarot deck and pick out cards that could represent the characters or situations in your work. Place those cards on a large table with plenty of room to play. Once you have your characters/topics laid out, go through your deck and pick three random cards. Do not look at these cards. Blindly select them. Now figure out where they could go and imagine how those cards relate to your writing. How could they change it? How could they affect the characters and the plot? What would the characters say to each other? Can you hear a dialogue between them? Keep going if you wish and pick more cards. Keep a notebook handy and jot down whatever comes to mind. This is a fantastic exercise to really get your creativity flowing … or get a piece of writing started.

  1. Dream exploration
Tarot is a great way to connect with your dream world. Just for fun, pick a tarot card you would like to explore in a dream and put it under your pillow or on your bedside table. Take a good long look at it right before you put out the light and go to sleep. Set the intention in your mind to meet the character or explore the landscape in the card. See what happens. Keep a dream journal handy so that you can record any dreams when you wake up.

  1. Just for fun
Tarot is a fantastic conversation starter. If you’re feeling bored when you’re hanging out with friends, bring out your tarot cards and have everyone pick a random card. Ask them to relate the card to something in their life. This can really spark some fascinating and fun discussions.

I hope you enjoyed this first issue of my newsletter. Thank you for subscribing and look for new issues on a bi-weekly basis.

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