Sunday 4 October 2015

Weekly Reading -- October 4-10, 2015 -- Morgan Greer Tarot

What's a tarot reader to do when a negative card pops up in a reading? The only thing to do is tell the truth but offer some constructive advice regarding the situation. We got a very negative card in our read this week in our Love/Relationship area. Some of us could experience a very bad argument in our personal relationships.

In Work, we got the Page of Swords, reversed. The Page is a court card and likely represents a person with this energy in your work life. Upright the Page is an eager learner, a fledgling, someone who is perhaps a little immature in the way they think and communicate. Reversed this could symbolize a difficult person or someone extremely passive. Perhaps a previously confrontational or difficult person has suddenly become meek and mild. If you're unemployed this could mean you're really lying low this week and taking it easy. Can you afford to? If not, you may need to motivate yourself to get things done.

In Love/Relationships, we got the Ten of Pentacles, reversed. Upright this card is all about happy family, financial security, stability and success. Reversed this could mean the exact opposite: arguments and financial problems. If there are issues in your relationship you need to address make sure you do it constructively. This could be the kind of argument where someone says the wrong thing and it leads to catastrophe. Be mindful of what you say and how you say it.

In Health, things couldn't be better with The Sun card. The Sun is all about happiness, vitality, radiance. You could be feeling amazing this week physically. You're taking great care of yourself and feeling the results. If your habits are not what you want them to be this card could indicate that if you make some changes you will definitely feel the benefits.

Hope you all have an amazing week. Remember ... words have a great deal of power. Choose them carefully.

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