Sunday 18 October 2015

Weekly Reading -- October 18-24, 2015 -- Housewives Tarot

We could encounter some financial or relationship stress this week but the key is to remain grounded and call upon your inner strength. No matter what or who tries to push your buttons, do NOT overreact.

Our Work card is The Empress, reversed. Upright The Empress represents abundance, fertility, the divine feminine. She draws abundance to her simply because of her gentle, loving, allowing nature. As the card was reversed it indicates that we are blocking this energy that is within us. We have the ability to manifest, create, and receive but we are either not seeing it or subconsciously blocking it. Look around you and see the abundance that you are missing. It is definitely there. You also have the ability to draw more of it to you. Relax, breathe, and allow.

Our Love/Relationship card is Strength. Strength is about inner strength. It's about our ability to control our emotions and not allow them to derail us and send us down the wrong path. This card in this position indicates that we need to call upon that energy this week. People we are involved with could be pushing our buttons this week, testing our patience, crossing boundaries. Stay calm and above all, do NOT overreact (as I said in my intro). This card could also mean that someone in our lives will come to us precisely because we have this inner strength and they need our help. Extend your helping hand to that person and be that support for them.

Our Health card is the Six of Swords, reversed. The Six of Swords is about getting away from a place or situation that has caused you some anguish in the past. It's about going to a safe haven and recovering from a tough time. As this card was reversed it indicates that we are blocked from doing this. We may be stuck in a place that makes us feel uncomfortable, worried, or stressed. Once again, the energy in the Strength card will serve us well here. Call upon that inner strength to deal with a difficult situation. If you let it stress you out and worry you too much it could affect your health. Just relax and know that the challenge will eventually pass. It's how you deal with it that matters.

Have a great week, everyone!

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