Sunday 11 October 2015

Weekly Reading -- October 11-17, 2015 -- Cosmic Tarot

All Wands cards this week are indicating a fiery week ahead full of passion, inspiration, and action.

In Work, we got the Four of Wands, reversed. Upright this card is all about foundation in a creative, active sense. The necessary steps have been taken and success has been achieved. However as this card was reversed it indicates some challenges in this area. We may not feel our efforts have taken root or paid off the way we want them to. This can definitely be remedied. Take a lot at your situation and see what feels "off". Then do what you can to make a positive shift.

In Love/Relationships, we got the Ace of Wands, a very sexy card. :) If you are coupled, this can indicate a renewal or resurgence of passion between you and your partner. If you are single, this can indicate meeting someone who REALLY turns you on. Either that or you are just feeling hot, sexy, and very confident about yourself. Let the fire burn. :)

In Health, we got the Queen of Wands. This Queen is dynamic, sexy, and loves to have a good time. She is an accomplisher and prefers to be in the driver's seat at all times. This can indicate someone in your life who is a very positive influence health-wise or you could be feeling this way. Overall this card is telling us to embrace this Queen's fiery energy and get out there and DO things. Move your body, enjoy yourself. It will do wonders for you.

Have a wonderful, passionate week!

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