Monday 9 February 2015

5 Ways to Use the Tarot (Other Than Readings)

Hello everyone! I published my first newsletter today and wanted to post a sample of it here and invite all who are interested to subscribe. My newsletter will be published on a bi-weekly basis and it will feature articles and assorted little tarot goodies from me that you won't find anywhere else. If you would like to subscribe, here's the link from my website.

Fill out the form and be sure to subscribe so that you don't miss anything! In the meantime, here's a sample of my first feature article:

Five Uses for Tarot Cards
(Other Than Readings)

Tarot cards are extremely versatile and can be used for a myriad of different purposes. Here are just a few you can try.

  1. Meditation
If you are interested in learning how to meditate or expanding your sense of a card, a great exercise is meditating on the card. Make sure that you are in a quiet place where you will not be interrupted for at least 15-30 minutes. Go through your deck card by card and see if any one card seems to “call” to you. There will usually be at least one card that you can sense is vying for your attention. Select that card and look at it. Study it very carefully, as if you are committing every detail in the card to memory. When you feel like you have a perfect picture of the card in your mind, close your eyes. Picture the card in front of you as if you are standing in that landscape. Look around you. Expand your vision of the card beyond the borders of the card. What are the sounds? What are the smells? What is the weather like? If there is a person in the card with you, watch them come to life. What are they doing? What are they saying? You can even interact with them if you choose. Spend some time “in” the card. When you are ready, say goodbye and walk away. Open your eyes.

  1. Inspiration
If there is a particular trait that you would like to enhance in your life – for example, Strength – take out the corresponding card that represents the trait or theme you want to explore. Repeat the meditation exercise above but this time really concentrate on a dialogue between you and the person, animal, landscape (whatever is pictured in the card). It doesn’t matter if the card doesn’t have a person in it. You can have a dialogue with inanimate objects as well. What do you want to ask the card? What is the person or landscape in the card saying to you? What advice would it give you? Take your time and ask it whatever you want or need to ask. Keep a notebook handy so that you can record the messages you receive.

  1. Breaking writer’s block
If you are a writer, tarot is a wonderful tool that can really jumpstart your imagination and get your creativity flowing. If your writing idea has stalled, take out your tarot deck and pick out cards that could represent the characters or situations in your work. Place those cards on a large table with plenty of room to play. Once you have your characters/topics laid out, go through your deck and pick three random cards. Do not look at these cards. Blindly select them. Now figure out where they could go and imagine how those cards relate to your writing. How could they change it? How could they affect the characters and the plot? What would the characters say to each other? Can you hear a dialogue between them? Keep going if you wish and pick more cards. Keep a notebook handy and jot down whatever comes to mind. This is a fantastic exercise to really get your creativity flowing … or get a piece of writing started.

  1. Dream exploration
Tarot is a great way to connect with your dream world. Just for fun, pick a tarot card you would like to explore in a dream and put it under your pillow or on your bedside table. Take a good long look at it right before you put out the light and go to sleep. Set the intention in your mind to meet the character or explore the landscape in the card. See what happens. Keep a dream journal handy so that you can record any dreams when you wake up.

  1. Just for fun
Tarot is a fantastic conversation starter. If you’re feeling bored when you’re hanging out with friends, bring out your tarot cards and have everyone pick a random card. Ask them to relate the card to something in their life. This can really spark some fascinating and fun discussions.

I hope you enjoyed this first issue of my newsletter. Thank you for subscribing and look for new issues on a bi-weekly basis.

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