Monday 9 February 2015

Weekly Reading -- February 9-15, 2015 -- VANESSA TAROT

Welcome to your reading for the week of February 9-15, 2015. Our reading this week is extremely interesting. Every reading is interesting but this one in particular seems to hold a very specific message for us.

Our first card is The Empress. She is the Divine Feminine, the goddess of the harvest, the lover, the nurturer. She symbolizes abundance, love, and growth. She is also symbolic of Mother, of all things maternal, which I will expand on in a moment.

The middle card is the Eight of Cups which is symbolic of walking away or leaving something precious behind us in order to grow. If we stay in a situation that we have outgrown or that is starting to stagnate, the positivity will evaporate. This card symbolizes that moment in time where we recognize things are about to decline. It's a good time to apply some preventive measures by walking away but we are reluctant or sad about doing so because of the past happiness. A lot of us can get stuck in this guilty energy.

Our final card is the King of Swords. He is the master of the mind -- a truth seeker, a person who thrives on logic above all else, someone who is very objective and rational. He is often a person in a highly respected position such as a teacher or professor, a judge, or a lawyer -- anyone who is known for their vast intellectual capabilities.

I have a couple of interpretations of the cards this week.

Interpretation #1: This week's message centers around the middle card, the Eight of Cups. There could be a situation in our lives that is calling for our attention. Something dear to us may not be working well anymore and it's time for us to acknowledge that fact. It's advisable to take action on it before it turns bad. The Empress and King of Swords on either side of the card suggest that we listen to the guidance of our emotions and our logical, truthful side to help us through this situation. Both are equally important.

Interpretation #2 (similar to #1 but a little more specific): As The Empress is symbolic of the Mother (among other things), this reading could indicate a need to set some boundaries with our mothers. A lot of us have relationships with our mothers that are fraught with enmeshed patterns. Many mothers can become over-involved in their childrens' lives and try to make their decisions for them. If this is the case with you, this reading could be telling you that you need to assert your independence from your mother -- with love, of course. Rely on your logical, objective side to assure yourself that what you are doing is right for you and don't allow any emotional manipulation. Tell your mother that you love her and appreciate her concern and advice but you will follow your own counsel. If you are a mother and you are always trying to control what your grown children do, this reading could be telling you that you need to recognize your behaviour and curb those tendencies. As a mother you want the best for your child but once they are adults you need to realize they are capable of making their own decisions. You simply need to back off and respect their right to choose the direction of their lives.

This week's reading is a great illustration of how tarot cards have many different and subtle nuances and can be read in many various ways. I hope you found the reading helpful. Have a wonderful week and see you on Friday for You Pick the Card!

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