Sunday 1 February 2015

Weekly Reading -- February 2-8, 2015

This week's reading could not be any more different than our reading last week! If any of you experienced the energies symbolized by the cards last week, then this week will bring a very welcome relief ... and even reward.

We start off the week with Major Arcana 19, The Sun, which is all about joy, freedom, and vitality. It's about feeling like you have permanently gotten rid of any shackles that had previously bound you and now feel free to burst forward with some well-earned confidence and wisdom. It's a wonderful card, symbolizing both physical and emotional radiance.

Our mid-week card is the Nine of Pentacles. This is another beautiful card symbolizing the attainment of financial and emotional security and the ability to enjoy it all. You have worked hard to get where you are and the Nine of Pentacles is telling you it's time to let yourself enjoy it. Bask in the knowledge that you truly deserve what you have earned in your life.

By the weekend, the Two of Cups tells us that we could meet a potential romantic partner or someone with whom we feel a very special connection. This could also be a business partner or simply a platonic friendship but it is a very special relationship, someone with whom you feel a kindred spirit. If you are already in a relationship, this card could represent a resurgence of romance or the feeling of a special connection between you. Enjoy it.

Energy, vitality, financial and emotional security, and even romance ... that's what this week's cards are talking about. It doesn't get much better than this. Have a wonderful week!

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