Saturday 14 February 2015

The Tarot Journal: An Essential Tool

Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you all enjoy some heartful, loving energy today regardless of whether you are paired up or single.

As promised in my You Pick the Card draw, I've done a little video on tarot journaling and why it's such an excellent practice for any reader or student of the tarot. As readers, we're always learning, whether you've only been reading for a year or whether you've been reading for twenty years. Tarot has a way of deepening your understanding as time passes and revelations are constantly coming. This is why tarot journaling is so valuable. It's a great way of adding to your knowledge base and I've always thought the actual process of writing things down helps to hardwire it into your brain. :)

I hope you enjoy the video. I included some long-lost footage (well, not lost, but it was recorded several months ago) of me in a Target store browsing for a new tarot journal.

Have a great weekend!

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