Tuesday 22 September 2015

Weekly Reading -- September 20-26, 2015 -- Anna K Tarot

Sorry for the delay in our reading this week, folks, but better late than never! Our regular schedule will resume this coming week. :)

The cards are indicating challenges ahead in every sector: Work, Relationship, and Health. When situations like these arise try not to see them as negative but as positive opportunities for growth. Challenging situations are simply letting you know that something needs to be adjusted.

In Work, we drew the Ace of Cups in reverse. Aces represent new opportunities or fresh beginnings. Cups represent our emotions and spiritual selves. With the card reversed it indicates a blockage of this energy. We may feel stuck in a job we hate or feel unable to pursue our "dream" career. Search for solutions. If you look hard enough and open your mind enough you will get ideas.

In Relationship, we drew the Nine of Rods (or Wands) in reverse. The Nine of Rods is about exhaustion. In terms of emotions and relationship, this card could be expressing that you have reached your limit in a relationship. You are just about to walk or you are seriously considering it. And you need to. Make sure that whatever effort and energy you are putting into a relationship is worthwhile. If you keep doing all the work or suffering endlessly, what is the point? If you are single this card could indicate that you are beyond frustrated with your search for the right partner. If you start feeling sorry for yourself and projecting anger about being single you will only sabotage yourself and drive the right person away from you. Attitude is key.

In Health, we drew The Devil in reverse. This card indicates a major health concern that could relate to an addiction or negative thinking. The Devil is all about feeling like you are a slave to someone or something (like an addiction). You could be feeling powerless or helpless but you are not. You are the ruler of your own life. It is time to take control and free yourself from limiting beliefs. They are affecting or could affect your health.

Meditation is a great way to destress and explore yourself. I highly recommend that if you are facing these kinds of challenges that you free up some time for meditation. It will greatly assist you in feeling more at peace and relaxed ... which is exactly the state of mind we need to be in to make important decisions.

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