Sunday 13 September 2015

Weekly Reading -- September 13-19, 2015 -- Housewives Tarot

Greetings, tarot peeps! :) I've decided to start uploading my readings on Sundays rather than Mondays from now on. Hope you enjoy the slight change in schedule.

This week I am using the Housewives Tarot, a wonderful deck that I believe is very underrated. It has a whimsical, quirky feel but definitely gives very insightful, effective readings.

Our week looks like it is going to go very smoothly except for some possible snags in our emotional/relationship realm.

Our Work/material life card is the Three of Cups, the card of celebration. You could find yourself attending an office party or celebrating something regarding your work or career. Perhaps you got a new job or started a new school year. If you are unemployed this card could simply be indicating a fun week ahead with friends. You could have a lot of fun socializing this week.

Our Relationship card is the Magician reversed. Upright the Magician is a very positive, powerful card emphasizing the strength of our focus and will to manifest what we want in our lives. As it is reversed this could mean that you are feeling very blocked in that area. If you are attached, you could have disputes with your partner. If single, you could feel blocked about attracting the mate you want. Calm down and step back from the frustration. Communicate clearly to get what you want. This card could also be a warning about a smooth talker, someone who seems to be good to be true. Don't trust blindly and don't believe everything someone says. Give them time to reveal themselves before you decide to get deeply involved.

Our Health card is the Three of Wands, a card of accomplishment. This card is like getting a pat on the back. If you have started something new regarding your health this card is letting you know that it is working well and the results will come in. Don't get frustrated if things don't appear to be happening fast enough. Just keep doing what you're doing because you are doing well.

Have a great week, everyone!

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