Monday 7 September 2015

Weekly Reading -- September 6-12, 2015 -- NEW FORMAT!!! -- DruidCraft Tarot

Greetings, fellow explorers! :) I decided on a different approach with our reading this week. It is still a 3-card draw but each card represents a different aspect of our lives: Work, Relationships, Health. Please feedback to me and let me know what you think. Do you prefer this method or my previous mode of reading?

Our Work card is the Eight of Wands. Swift movement. Expect results. You have set events in motion and they are well on their way to bringing you results. You could get news about a job. This card indicates smooth sailing, things working like clockwork.

Our Relationship card is the Queen of Cups. This is a card of total emotional fulfillment and acceptance. This Queen is at peace with her situation so whether you are single or in a couple, this card indicates contentment and ease. It also indicates some kind of emotional intention being put out in the world. Don't be afraid to make a wish and act on it. The way the Queen appears in this card it is likely your wish will come true. :)

Our Health card is The Magician. This card is all about taking control and directing your will. If you have been feeling run-down and sluggish lately it could be due to your thoughts and attitudes. The Magician urges you to take charge and MAKE yourself feel better. Obviously if you have troubling health concerns, consult your physician. But if you're just feeling a general physical blahness, get active and take charge of your body. Change your diet. Get some exercise. Recognize the power of your mind to affect everything, including your health.

Hope you enjoyed this new format. See you next week! Enjoy the wonderful energies surrounding us.

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