Monday 8 June 2015

Weekly Reading -- June 8-14, 2015 -- SHERLOCK HOLMES TAROT

This week's reading is all about internal work. Someone may take you by surprise and rock you emotionally this week. You could also find yourself trying to find ways to change your emotional state. Perhaps you've been locked in one state of being for a very long time which you know has to change .... yet you feel like a novice in terms of what to do about it. 

We all have to start somewhere. As long as you put in the consistent time, effort, and focus, things WILL change. They may take some time to reveal themselves but what is not visible immediately exists under the surface. The changes are taking place in your mind and they will manifest when the changes are solid and mature enough. 

Change is a learning process and especially in this case, very much worth it. 

Have a great week and see you next Monday!

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