Monday 1 June 2015

Weekly Reading -- June 1-7, 2015 -- Psychic Tarot

Welcome to another weekly reading! This week's cards are from John Holland's Psychic Tarot.

Our reading is comprised of two Pentacles or earthly cards and one chakra card this week. Chakras are energy centers in the body. The solar plexus chakra card which came up in our reading signifies our "power center" or self image center.

Some of us could be feeling a lack or instability in finances this week. We need to watch our money extremely carefully and make sure to spend or distribute finances wisely. Strengthening our solar plexus chakra could help us navigate the week more easily. I have included a link to a solar plexus chakra meditation which is highly recommended.

Enjoy the reading and see you on Friday for our final You Pick the Card draw.

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