Tuesday 7 July 2015

How to Shuffle & Select Tarot Cards: A Few Methods

Many tarot beginners approach their cards with trepidation. They're not quite sure how to handle them or they worry that they might be doing something wrong. The thing to remember is that there IS NO WRONG. As long as your approach to the tarot is sincere, genuine, and open hearted, there can never be any wrong.

Just as important as how to shuffle your cards is getting into the right mindset to work with the cards. Make sure your space is undisturbed and that you will not be interrupted. Before you work with your cards, make sure to take a few moments to relax and still your mind. Take a few deep breaths. I like to think of my time with the cards as sacred time. Approach it that way. Make it special in whatever way works best for you.

The video below shows a few different methods of shuffling and selecting tarot cards. There are certainly many more. Please feel free to share your methods if you wish. I hope you enjoy this little tutorial.

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