Monday 20 July 2015

Weekly Reading -- July 20-26, 2015 -- Aquarian Tarot

Welcome to another reading! The cards are giving us a bit of kick in the pants this week. With the Page of Rods dead center and two reversed Major Arcana on either side this indicates some major possibilities are in the works ... but they are blocked.

The two Major Arcana in our spread this week are The Chariot and The Sun. One is a card of great power and focus and the other is a card of great joy. The combination of the two upright is unstoppable. It's a journey towards great fulfillment and happiness. In this case, they are reversed.

What this tells me, with the meek little Page of Rods standing unobtrusively between them, is that we really want to venture into the unknown and try something new and exciting. Our passion is calling us -- whether it's the stirrings of a creative project, exploring new career opportunities or travel destinations, or dipping our toes into a new relationship. The problem is that we are stopping ourselves. Fear could be getting in the way. Negative self talk could be stopping us before we have a chance to even set out on our journey.

It's only wise to consider carefully before starting anything new. However it is very unwise to automatically reject something simply because it is unfamiliar to us. The Sun is a definite indication that great joy and fulfillment awaits us but we are allowing our insecurities and lack of confidence stop our chariots from moving.

Don't let it happen. Be brave this week. Take the plunge. The cards are saying it will be well worth it.

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