Monday 13 July 2015

Weekly Reading -- July 13-19, 2015 -- Vanessa Tarot

At first glance I thought this week's reading was about learning new ways of thinking and relating to a problematic state of affairs and that certainly is in the mix this week. However the more I looked at it the more the real message stood up, grabbed a bullhorn and aimed it directly at me.

This week's reading is about speaking your truth.

If you are feeling overworked, overburdened, trapped or stuck in a situation, you owe it to yourself to remedy that situation. The Page of Swords is the star of the show this week and she is urging you on. She is telling you to stand up for yourself. Many of us take on too much out of a sense of duty, obligation or simply habit. We cannot do everything for everyone. We need to remember that we are our number one priority and it is not selfish to look out for your mental and physical well-being.

Speaking your truth doesn't have to be mean being aggressive or hostile. Simply state the facts calmly, rationally, and logically. This is the way things are. This is how I feel about it. This is what I need. If anyone takes offense at that, they are not the kind of people you want in your life anyway.

Good luck and remember -- it is NOT selfish to make your well-being a priority.

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