Monday 6 July 2015

Weekly Reading -- July 6-12, 2015 -- Anna K Tarot

Two Major Arcana appear in our reading again this week. This time they are The Hanged Man and Strength reversed. The Eight of Pentacles in reverse rounds out the spread.

The Hanged Man is a card of great discomfort and a feeling of helplessness. You may feel stuck in a situation, as if your hands are tied. Since the Eight of Pentacles is the only Minor Arcana card in our reading I believe our feelings of frustration are work or money related. Perhaps you really dislike your job or are having difficulties with someone at work.

The key to solving this problem is the lesson in the Strength card. Upright this card is the ultimate problem solver. When you come to a point where you realize that no one has the power to upset you unless you allow them to, you will never feel frustrated again. You will realize how powerful you are and that the way you react to situations is entirely up to you. You can choose to allow a person or situation to rattle you or you can calmly, gracefully, and powerfully decide to take control of your emotions and your life.

The choice is yours. :)

Enjoy the reading and see you next week!

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