Friday 13 March 2015

You Pick the Card! Medieval Scapini Tarot, Psychic Tarot, Steampunk Tarot

Happy Friday! Our decks for this week are the elegant Medieval Scapini Tarot, John Holland's Psychic Tarot and the Steampunk Tarot by Barbara Moore and Aly Fell.

This weekend I will be doing readings at the psychic fair in London, Ontario at the Ramada Inn, 817 Exeter Road. If you can come out and see me, I would love to work with you. Here are the dates and hours:

Friday March 13 -- 2 pm to 10 pm
Saturday March 14 -- 11 am to 10 pm
Sunday March 15 -- 11 am to 6 pm

Have a wonderful weekend and hope to see you there!

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