Monday 2 March 2015

Weekly Reading -- March 2-8, 2015 -- Llewellyn Classic Tarot

Hello and welcome to March! The spring equinox is almost here, only days away ... and I know we're all happy about that! :)

Our reading this week is from the Llewellyn Classic Tarot. This week's reading shows us that we have an incredible amount of support around us. Not one but TWO Kings showed up in our reading along with the "ships coming in" card: the Three of Wands.

The Three of Wands is about having taken the necessary steps to set a force in motion. You have done the groundwork, laid the foundation, and now it's time to wait for the results. The results are a guarantee although they haven't manifested yet. In the meantime, while you wait for this seed to sprout (goes nicely with that spring equinox, doesn't it?) you have support from two very powerful figures and in two very powerful ways: emotional support and energetic support.

The two Kings could also be telling you that you have that emotional and energetic mastery inside you and to listen to what it is telling you. Either way, you're covered. Enjoy this exciting, anticipatory, powerful time.

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