Monday 23 March 2015

Weekly Reading -- March 23-29, 2015 -- Voyager Tarot

This week's reading is all about energy ... crackling, sizzling, fiery energy.

The catalyst for this energy burst could be the King of Wands (Man of Wands in this deck). He is definitely someone who could appear in your life this week and set off all kinds of energy and excitement in you. He could be a potential lover, a business partner, a boss ... who knows. The inability to tie him down is part of his allure as he wears many hats and plays many roles. He could also be letting you know that he wants you to express his charismatic confidence.

You could find yourself feeling unstoppable and inspired as a result of encountering this person or you could simply be feeling his enormous potential inside you. However, the Ace of Swords reversed comes in to throw that energy a bit off track. It could simply be your insecurity and doubts about the sincerity or authenticity of this person or idea. Pay attention to any genuine concerns but don't allow a great opportunity to pass you by.

Hope you enjoy and make the most of the excitement in the air this week.

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