Monday 24 August 2015

Weekly Reading -- August 23-29, 2015 -- Conscious Spirit Oracle Cards

I decided to switch it up and use Kim Dreyer's lovely Conscious Spirit Oracle rather than tarot this week. Hope you enjoy the change of pace!

Our cards this week are giving us the message to reach out not only to the people in our world but to the universe as well. We are being encouraged to share our thoughts, our love, and our kindness with others. We're also being encouraged to share our concerns and questions with the universe and with the divine -- specifically, Archangel Gabriel, the divine messenger. If you've been feeling down or worried about the way things are going in your life ask the archangel to show you some signs. Allow yourself to be open to the messages you receive. The more you allow yourself to be open to what comes, not only from the people around you but from the divine, you will feel your passion reignited.

Open your heart and open your mind this week. Allow yourself to express love and kindness toward others and allow yourself to receive assistance from beyond.


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