Monday 10 August 2015

Weekly Reading August 9-15, 2015 -- Going Back to Basics with My Classic Rider-Waite Deck

Hello there, thank you for joining me for another weekly reading! I felt strongly called to go back to basics with my classic and inscrutable Rider-Waite deck this week and as usual my intuition was rewarded with a very powerful message.

We could encounter difficult people or a difficult situation this week. Whether it is work-related or whether it regards personal relationships, we are likely to encounter bickering, negativity, people's egos getting in the way and everyone trying to convince you that their opinion is right and you should follow their lead. It's very important for you to stand up for yourself and speak your mind but it's even more important for you to come from a place of calm and serenity when you do so, as symbolized by the Four of Swords.

The Four of Swords has always been one of my favourite cards in the Rider-Waite tarot. It evokes such peace and restfulness of mind. This is essential when dealing with people who are all riled up and invested in their own agendas. In order to deal with them in the most effective way you need to come from a place of total calm and self assurance. That way even if they still don't listen to you or continue to act chaotically it has no effect on your peace of mind.

If people challenge you or try and joust with you this week, take a deep breath and smile. Go to your peaceful place. No need to make war ... and realizing this means you will always walk away from any battle intact and unscarred.

Have a wonderful week!

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