Monday 3 August 2015

Weekly Reading -- August 2-8, 2015 -- Dali Tarot Universal

We may feel the call of the open road this week, literally or figuratively. You may feel a wanderlust stirring within you, the urge to do something totally unknown and out of character ... but life has a tendency to get in the way with personal responsibilities and annoying interruptions.

I don't know about you but summer has a tendency to remind me of my youth, when I was more likely to throw caution to the wind and throw myself into every new experience and relationship. Then we get older, get jobs and families, and those urges seem not only impractical but irresponsible. Maybe they are, maybe they're not. The gift of getting older is the ability to discern these things.

You may find or feel an opportunity to express that Fool energy this week and maybe pay your younger self a visit. However life does have a tendency to get in the way sometimes. You may have to put off your adventure for awhile but the window of opportunity will arrive. For now just enjoy the stirrings of the Fool's energy within you. You'll know when the time is right to sling the pack on your shoulder.

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