Monday 17 August 2015

Weekly Reading -- August 16-22, 2015 -- Morgan Greer Tarot

This week could be emotionally challenging for some of us but it's very important for us to see this as a positive and an opportunity for huge growth. Every once in awhile life gives us the opportunity to do some "spring cleaning" or decluttering. This week could be one of those opportunities.

Two Major Arcana cards are in our reading this week and all three cards are reversed. This indicates major issues are at play but due to the reversals there could be blockages or negative dynamics going on. The King of Cups and The Empress are both playing their parts. I believe these two cards represent significant people in our lives who are not doing us any good. As a matter of fact they could be doing us a lot of harm. We appear in the reading as The Fool -- someone with great aspirations and potential. That potential is being squashed by negative people around us.

If you encounter people or have people in your life who are constantly putting you down, emotionally manipulating you, and withholding their love and support, ask yourself: What purpose are these people serving in my life? If you feel nothing but unhappiness and frustration in their company the purpose they are serving may be to force you to move on from their negative influence. Rather than seeing leaving them behind as a loss, see it as a positive opportunity to become more self-reliant and less dependent on the presence of certain people in your life.

Romantic rejection is another possibility for this reading. The Fool is offering his rose to The Empress and not only is she reversed, she is ignoring him, staring straight ahead. The King of Cups could represent The Fool's "big feelings", hurt feelings or even another person. Perhaps a love triangle is going on? Whatever the case, if you express your romantic interest in someone this week they may not return your interest. Again, don't let rejection make you think any less of yourself. That person was simply not right for you.

Don't let anyone squash your spirit. Pack your bags (even if it's only metaphorically) and move on.

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