Sunday 1 November 2015

Weekly Reading -- November 1-7, 2015 -- Tarot of the Witches

I thought I would celebrate Halloween and Samhain by using the Tarot of the Witches this week. Wishing a very blessed Samhain to my Wiccan and pagan readers/viewers.

Our reading this week is geared towards thought and decisions but those two cards are dwarfed by the presence of the mighty Emperor in our Love/Relationship area.

For Work, we got the Two of Swords. The Two of Swords can be about making a decision and being conflicted about that decision. You're not sure which way to go or what to do. Whenever you are faced with a difficult decision it's important to do two things: 1. Take your time. 2. Go with your gut. Your intuition will always steer you in the right direction.

For Love/Relationship, we got The Emperor. This is a very powerful, capable, successful male. He is very comfortable ruling his kingdom and the people in it. He runs a tight ship and can be domineering at times but in a good way. His intentions are good. This is someone who is moral, well meaning and wants his kingdom to thrive. You could already know this person or this commanding figure could appear in your life this week. Listen to what he has to say. This card could also have appeared to let you know that you need to channel his energy this week. Rule your own life. Don't let anyone dominate you or make your decisions for you. Take charge in love and relationships this week (but not in a vicious way ... in a benevolent way).

For Health, we got the Nine of Swords. The Nine of Swords is about an accumulation of worry and stress. You have all these thoughts in your mind or worries and concerns. They could be keeping you up at night and robbing you of sleep. You need to relax and take time for you. This state of mind can have a negative impact on your health so it is important to make sure to decompress and be good to yourself. Laughter is a great way to destress. Meditation is also fantastic for alleviating stress and getting your mind into a calm, centred place.

Have a wonderful week, everyone!

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