Monday 4 May 2015

Weekly Reading -- May 3-9, 2015 -- New Mythic Tarot

Welcome to the first week of May! :)

This week's reading has a heavy emotional component to it which seems to be triggered by our first card, the Four of Pentacles. Four is the number of foundation and this card is positive in the sense that it's telling us our financial needs are being met. However we could be worrying and stressing about money too much. Maybe we feel like we are not making enough money ... that we need to "keep up with the Joneses" and it's affecting how we feel about ourselves.

The Three and Page of Cups in reverse is telling us that we are not having fun and not feeling very good about ourselves. We could be letting what we perceive other people think about us and what we do affect our sense of self.

Remember that money is secondary to happiness. Money is necessary to fulfill basic financial needs but it cannot buy happiness. Happiness comes from within. Spend some time focusing on the good things in your life and the people you love. Spend time with them, have fun. Stop putting so much importance on projecting an image of success. True success is feeling the freedom to be who you are and feel good about it.

Have a wonderful week!

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