Monday 25 May 2015

Weekly Reading -- May 25-31, 2015

Welcome to another weekly reading! This week's reading comes to us from the Morgan Greer Tarot.

It's all about encouragement and visualization this week. We got two Major Arcana cards signifying major themes taking place and one Cups card: the "nostalgia" card, the Six of Cups.

If we look at this reading as a story, I see The Fool as the main character. He is looking toward The Magician who is very powerful and dynamic. It's almost as if The Fool is studying him and comitting his actions to memory in order to imitate him later. In the background we have the Six of Cups which could represent unhealthy ties to the past that are holding us back and preventing us from realizing our potential. We cannot create something new if we remain stuck in the past.

Confidence is key and The Magician can teach us about that. If you're not feeling confident enough to be in the place you want to be, think of the phrase "fake it till you make it." Everything that now exists in form or being was once a thought. Everything arises from thought. Picture it, imagine yourself there, and act AS IF. Be your own Magician this week.

Enjoy the reading and see you on Friday for You Pick the Card!

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