Monday 6 April 2015

Weekly Reading -- April 6-12, 2015 -- Osho Zen Tarot

Welcome to another weekly read! This week is all about manifesting your earthly desires.

Our first card up was the King of Rainbows (Pentacles in this deck), reversed. Upright this King is the ultimate manifester. He is so adept at manifesting his wants and needs that he doesn't even have to try hard (hence his laid back nature). Success just comes naturally to him. However as this card was reversed, this indicates we are having some difficulty in this area. Perhaps we're not trying hard enough. Perhaps we're being lazy or allowing other people to get in our way and throw us off track.

The King of Swords is telling you that you need to access that razor sharp clarity and focus of mind in order to accomplish your goals. Now is not the time for modesty. It's not about being egotistical but it's also not about being afraid to tout your skills to the rooftops. Be confident and project that air of confidence. It will take you a long way.

The Knight of Wands is one of my favourite cards in this deck. The image of him surging forward reminds me of a speed skater. He is pointed like an arrow at his goal (and notice he is looking toward the King of Rainbows, the ultimate success card). This is your goal right now and you need to use this knight's passion and drive to get you there.

It is totally possible to turn that King of Rainbows card upright and get yourself into that enviable position. But you need to have complete clarity of mind and the passion to see it through.

What an awesome week! See you on Friday for You Pick the Card.

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