Monday 13 April 2015

Weekly Reading -- April 13-19, 2015 -- Crystal Visions Tarot

This week's reading is about high achievement on a small scale .... which is like a stepping stone on the way to big achievements. Right now, though, it's just time to kick back, relax and enjoy the feeling of accomplishment. We have two Wands cards and one Cups card this week: energy and emotion.

The Ace of Cups signifies a new beginning: a new feeling, a new emotional cycle. Whatever you have been doing lately has led to this new beginning, this new way of feeling. Maybe you're finally giving yourself credit for a job well done ... or receiving credit publicly and getting recognition for your achievement which makes you feel quite amazing. Enjoy it because you have earned it.

The Queen of Wands is bold and dynamic. She is not shy about taking credit for her abilities. Allow yourself to wear her crown this week. This doesn't mean that you should be egotistical or arrogant but definitely take pride in your achievements and in who you are. Allow yourself to shine brightly and don't be afraid of the spotlight.

The Ten of Wands is about coming to end of an energetic cycle. A lot of activity, work, and energy has been expended and it's time to rest and relax. If you can afford it, take some time off. Take a pleasure trip. Get a massage, spend time with people you love, pamper yourself in whatever way that works best for you. You deserve it!

Have a wonderful week!

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