Monday, 29 December 2014

Weekly Reading December 29-January 4, 2015

This week's reading takes us into the new year and it definitely signifies change and growth. We start off the week leaving something behind us and that departure has some sadness and regret attached to it. Whenever I see this card I think of high school sweethearts who got married and had kids when they were young but outgrew each other. There is a lot of emotion there, a lot of sentimentality, but we know when something has run its course and just doesn't work for us anymore. That's what this card is about: recognizing that stagnancy and choosing to leave before it gets ugly.

The King of Swords appears next, either as a mentor or as a nudge to get us to embrace his mindset: logical, objective, even calculated. Sometimes a situation is so painful we need to remove our emotions from it and just look at it objectively. The King of Swords will help you do this, either as someone who appears in your life or as part of yourself that guides you through a difficult situation.

The Wheel of Fortune appears at the new year and this card couldn't be more appropriate. Life is all about that ultimate power of fate. Sometimes we're up, sometimes we're down, and sometimes we're just kind of neutral, coasting along. We are never in the same spot on the wheel for too long. It is constantly turning. As long as you don't expect to be in one spot for too long and realize that life is transitory, you can ride the wheel and even have some fun with it. Enjoy happiness while it lasts, know that you won't always be struggling, and know that bad times eventually come to an end as well. This is the rhythm of life.

Happy New Year, everyone! I wish you all the best for 2015! :)

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Sacred Mirrors Cards by Alex Grey -- Deck Review

I purchased these cards off ebay a few weeks ago and I cannot begin to tell you how magnificent they are. You simply have to see them for yourself.

Alex Grey is a brilliant artist who uses sacred geometry in his work. He specializes in very intricate illustrations of the human body and makes visible to us what is invisible to the naked eye: our spiritual energy. His artwork has been featured in cds for the band Tool, who also happen to be my favourite rock band. :) Their music and his artwork go hand in hand, perfect matches for each other.

I hope you enjoy this look at this incredible piece of work. It is a masterpiece.

Weekly Reading -- December 22-28, 2014

Our reading for Christmas week has a lot of powerful energy, perfect energy for the end of the year when a lot of people are thinking about starting over, starting fresh, and setting new goals.

We could start off the week on a bit of a downer with the Tower. I see the Tower as a critical card. It shows up when we need it ... when something in our lives is not working and we need a jolt to get us moving in the right direction. At mid week, when Christmas arrives, so does the Magician, reassuring us that we have all it takes to manifest our desires. The end of the week is simply a gentle reminder of that energy, urging us to be creative and look at our lives in a new way.

I wish all of you a wonderful Christmas. See you next week for our New Year's reading.

Monday, 15 December 2014

Weekly Reading -- December 15-21, 2014

This week could be a challenge for us and it's not surprising considering that it's just around the holidays. We put a lot of pressure on ourselves at this time of year and it can be very stressful. A lot of emotions that have been buried can come up for us at this time.

Our first card, the Ten of Swords, illustrates that "I am SO done" feeling. The feelings of defeat and disappointment are literally driven home by the ten swords impaling the person on the ground. No point denying it anymore: IT IS OVER. However the sun rising in the background indicates that there is positivity on the horizon. It could take us a few days to get over this funk but by the weekend we are feeling much more optimistic. Either we are inspired to give love or support to someone else or someone is offering it to us. What could be more appropriate at this time of year?

If you find yourself going through some difficulties this week, remember that it is ultimately for your personal growth. Obstacles are put in our way to get us to learn how to move past them. It's always for the greater good.

Best wishes and see you next week!

Monday, 8 December 2014

Weekly Reading -- December 8-14, 2014

This week looks like it contains a pretty even mixture of energies. We start off the week in practical mode with the Seven of Pentacles where we could be assessing our money, career, assets -- anything to do with our material life. At the end of the year a lot of us are reflecting and thinking about what we want in the future. Some of us are mulling over New Year's resolutions. Is there anything you'd like to change?

By mid week we could be feeling a little wiped out with the Ten of Wands. Perhaps all that practical consideration and money preoccupation at the start of the week has taken its toll and we need to just TAKE A BREAK and make time for ourselves. We could be feeling like we're doing a million things at once, like we are overburdened. Many of us push ourselves hard at this time of year, making sure we attend this holiday party and that holiday party. Give yourself permission to rest and politely decline invitations if you must. Take time for yourself.

By the weekend, you ARE ready to party and have a good time. The Three of Cups is all about feeling joyful and enjoying the company of good friends and family or even just YOURSELF. If you can't enjoy your own company, how can you enjoy anybody else's?

Have a wonderful week!

Monday, 1 December 2014

Weekly Reading -- December 1-7, 2014

This week is a combination of fiery energy, inspiration, and creativity and a peaceful groundedness by the end of the week. It's a nice mixture, starting off powerfully and ending in a relaxed, contented way -- the perfect start to our weekend.

We start off the week with a surge of vitality and energy, a very powerful focus. Either we have a very specific goal in mind or we are just raring to go with some kind of idea. We are literally busting with enthusiasm. By the middle of the week we may come to realize how satisfying it can be to work with others, especially when it comes to a common goal. We all have our own unique gifts to bring to the table but others have their own input to offer as well. Be cooperative, not combative. By the end of the week we feel stable and satisfied. It's the perfect time to enjoy who we are and what we do.

Enjoy this very productive, satisfying week!

Monday, 24 November 2014

Weekly Reading -- November 24-30, 2014

Fasten your seatbelts, everyone! If this week's cards are any indication we could have a HUGE breakthrough this week.

We drew not one ... not two ... but THREE Major Arcana cards this week which indicates some very major energies are at play for us. I know I have definitely been feeling some major shifts and energies going on in my own life and this reading definitely holds a lot of significance for me. Tune in and see what the cards have to say to you. The bottom line is: If you can "hang in there", stick out the discomfort and disorientation at the beginning of the week, hold true to your beliefs and harness your own strength, you will pass the test with flying colours and you will be well on your way to a very powerful new reality.

Enjoy! :)

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Pink Floyd Playing Cards: A Psychedelic Journey

They speak for themselves.


Tarot Tuesday #24: Kicking It Up a Notch

Hello my fellow tarot afficionados! I've decided to start doing 3-card weekly readings from now on. I hope you enjoy the new format.

This week looks like it has the potential to be very powerful. We start off the week with the strong feminine energy of the High Priestess, continue the week with the Empress coming into play, and finish off the week with the happy and celebratory Six of Wands.

It's pretty amazing that those two extremely powerful feminine energies came up right beside each other. The High Priestess and The Empress are both extremely powerful women but in different ways. The High Priestess is a solitary figure, one who prefers to channel her strength alone. The Empress, however, is totally extroverted and overflowing with life. She loves to share her energy with everyone.

Both those cards also came up reversed. As a reader I don't pay that much attention to reversals. I note them but I don't believe they have much significance other than to call extra attention to the card or to let us know there could be a blockage in that energy.

Tune in to see what the week has in store. If you'd like a reading from me, please don't hesitate to contact me here, on Facebook, or on my Youtube channel. Have a great week!

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Would You Like a Reading From Me?

Hello there,

Whether you have never had a tarot reading before or are simply seeking an insightful tarot reading at an affordable price, please don't hesitate to get in touch with me. Many tarot readers charge astronomical prices for tarot readings and I think that's unfair. My rates are very affordable and I would love the privilege of working with you and shuffling the cards on your behalf. My video below will tell you about the readings I offer and other pertinent details.

I hope to hear from you! :)

Tarot Tuesday #23: FIVE OF RAINBOWS -- Are You Feeling Like an Outcast?

Our card this week is from the Zen Osho deck and it is the Five of Rainbows (or Five of Pentacles in the Rider-Waite system). The Five of Rainbows is about a sense of lack. It's about feeling like you're left out, excluded, down on your luck, or simply feeling lost and vulnerable.

The image of this card from the Zen Osho deck is particularly poignant because it depicts a small child standing forlornly outside a locked gate peering at what's on the other side. One strap of his overalls has fallen down giving that sense of a feeling of helplessness and vulnerability. We all feel like this at times and it's important to remember that if you're going through a tough time this week -- whether it's financial struggle or just feeling like you're all alone in the world -- this time will pass. It's not enough to simply hope that things will change, though. Keep your eyes and ears open for opportunities, for people who can give you a hand or some helpful advice -- anything that will help you through this challenging time.

Hope you all have a great week and thanks for joining me for another Tarot Tuesday.

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Tarot Tuesday #22: POWER -- We All Have Two Sides

This week's card comes from the Psychic Tarot by John Holland. Our card for the week is Major Arcana 8, Power. This would be the Strength card in the Rider-Waite tarot.

The general theme of the Power (or Strength) card is recognizing that we have two sides of ourselves: the animalistic or primal side, our "reptilian brains" that simply react to stimulus in our environments, and the highly evolved human side that has the capacity to reason and consider the best options. Rarely, if ever, is it a good idea to fly off the handle and behave in an aggressive, forceful manner but sometimes we find ourselves behaving in ways that fill us with regret later. This card is about calling on your inner strength to tame those wild, impulsive feelings. The Rider-Waite version of this card depicts a woman in a flowing white gown calmly holding a lion's jaws shut with her bare hands. She has no fear because she knows that her inner strength is far more powerful than the animal. She is controlling it without hurting it. She is controlling it with kindness and compassion.

Recognize what your triggers are. Become familiar with what prompts you to act in ways that don't serve you and use that higher self to calm it down.

You could also find yourself having a power struggle with someone this week. Don't allow anyone to abuse you but don't allow assertiveness and standing up for yourself to turn into aggression and hostility. That kind of energy tends to feed on itself and breed negativity. Breathe and listen to your inner voice.

Have a great week and remember how powerful you are!

Monday, 3 November 2014


Hello everyone,

I've started a new series where I will talk about individual tarot cards in more depth. I'm also going to show various depictions of the same card from different decks and discuss how your interpretation of them can vary either slightly or a great deal depending on which deck you use.

My first card up for discussion is the Eight of Cups, prompted by something that happened in my own life this weekend. The Eight of Cups is about walking away from something you love because you know it has run its course. It has served its purpose in your life and even though your feelings for a person or situation are still strong, you know that if you stay in that situation things will deteriorate.

The decks I've used alongside the Rider-Waite are:

STEAMPUNK TAROT (Barbara Moore & Aly Fell)

I hope you enjoy this new series and I'd appreciate your feedback. Please let me know if you found it helpful and interesting.

Tarot Tuesday will continue as always! :) See you tomorrow.

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Tarot Tuesday #21: THE WORLD -- No Turning Back Now

Some change is irrevocable. It's crucial to our development and every second of our lives we are changing. Nothing stays the same forever. This week's card is telling us that this kind of change has occurred or needs to occur in our lives. It is part of our destiny.

Since this is Halloween week, I decided to use the Vampire Tarot for our weekly draw. The woman on The World card is the character Mina from Bram Stoker's classic "Dracula". Mina was the first person in the story to fall under the count's spell and get bitten. As a result, she became a vampire. She was no longer human ... she became a totally different being. In this card she is looking at her reflection in the mirror as if she is studying this new version of herself. She may not feel completely comfortable or familiar with this self but she knows the change has occurred and there is no turning back. The change has occurred on a cellular level. It is that deep.

Do you feel this kind of a transformation in your life right now? Or do you need it to happen? Embrace it ... don't resist it. The World is patting you on the back and letting you know that you are ready to evolve.

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Tarot Tuesday #20: THE CHARIOT -- Your Mind is a Vehicle

The Chariot is all about forward motion, determination, and drive. It is really a metaphor for the power of our minds and the power of our intention.

If you have a specific goal in mind, The Chariot has appeared to encourage you and tell you that you have what it takes to get there. The two sphinxes on the front of the chariot represent opposing forces: our "bright" side and our dark side. These forces must be handled appropriately, with the skill of a charioteer, in order for us to reach our goal.

All kinds of things can throw us off track: self doubt, indecision, procrastination, and the naysayers around us who are all too willing to list a thousand reasons why our goal can never succeed. It's our job to stay focused if we truly want to reach our goal and KEEP MOVING FORWARD. This card is telling us that we are either in the midst of this journey right now or that the time is right to set out on that journey of accomplishment.

A great technique to manifest what you want in your life is to picture yourself ALREADY THERE. Imagine yourself in great detail where you want to be, what you want to be doing, who you want to be with. Imagine how you would feel if you were there right now and use those feelings as the reins of your chariot. The charioteer in this card already has his victory flag raised as he sets out ... he sees himself as a victor and therefore he will be a victor.

Happy trails! :)

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Tarot Tuesday #19: THE HIGH PRIESTESS -- Put On Your Listening Ears

In life there is a time for action and there is a time for contemplation. Both are active stages but one is physical and the other is mental. The High Priestess is the antithesis of action. She is all about retreat, silence, and a state of receptivity to communication from the higher self. The High Priestess is all about intuition and our inner wisdom.

We all have a deep inner wisdom that we can call upon whenever we want ... but it's very important that we trust it and respect it. To borrow a phrase from Judge Judy, if we call upon that inner wisdom we need to make sure to "put on our listening ears." Don't make the mistake of calling upon that inner guidance and simply dismiss whatever it has to tell you if you don't like the answer. The inner self is always guiding us toward our highest good and sometimes that entails hearing things we don't necessarily want to hear but need to deal with if we want to manifest the best for ourselves.

It's also very important to tune in to your physical sensations because those sensations contain a great deal of information. Scores of information are embedded in our cells. Our emotions and our bodies work in tandem with each other and there are many physical sensations that are very familiar to us. When you experience those sensations, that is the High Priestess at work as well. She is telling you in another way (other than through "verbal" messages) what is going on, what has gone in the past, and how those experiences are affecting or can enlighten the present. Pay very close attention to those physical clues as well.

I hope you all enjoy your sojourn with the High Priestess this week. See you next Tuesday!

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Tarot Tuesday #18: FIVE OF WATER -- Count Your Blessings

It's natural to feel down every now and then. Sometimes a relationship doesn't work out the way we wanted it to, a project that we hold dear doesn't meet with the same enthusiasm from other people that we hold for it, someone does or says something that hurts our feelings ... and we get lost in those sad feelings.

The Five of Water (or Five of Cups) from Doreen Virtue's Angel Tarot deck reminds us that we always have a choice when we encounter situations like this. Here is the Five of Cups from the Rider Waite deck which is one of my favourite cards due to the major life lesson it depicts:

The person in this card is utterly bereft and consumed by grief for what he has lost. He is oblivious to the two cups that are still standing behind him. Some people can spend their entire lives in this state of mind.

When we lose something that we care about, it's natural and normal to grieve and be sad. When it begins to consume us, however, it becomes unhealthy and harmful. If you are going through a loss of some kind this week, try to think of the positives in the situation. If it's a relationship loss, for example, and you're sad that the person you care about is no longer in your life, think about how much better it is for you to be away from him or her rather than continuing to stay in a relationship that doesn't make you happy ... and how, if you are newly single, that it gives you the opportunity to meet someone new who is much better for you when the time is right. There are ALWAYS positives in every negative situation.

I hope you all have a peaceful week. Namaste.

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Tarot Tuesday #17: NINE OF PENTACLES -- Contentment, Independence & Prosperity

Hello, tarot fans! Thanks for joining me for another Tarot Tuesday. I used a very interesting deck this week, the Tarot of the New Vision. Its artwork duplicates the Rider Waite system with one notable exception: the images on the cards are seen from behind. This perspective adds a slightly different spin and sometimes gives a little extra information on some of the cards. For example, in The Fool card, we can see a volcano erupting in the foreground. This is an extra detail the artist added that was not visible in the Rider Waite cards and makes these cards extra special. I highly recommend them.

This week's card is the Nine of Pentacles. I was definitely happy to see this card after our last two weeks' worth of Five of Pentacles energy. The Nine of Pentacles is the complete opposite of that feeling of struggle and lack. It represents a state of complete confidence in one's abilities, total self reliance, success, and prosperity.

Even if you are not in that place right now where you are feeling very accomplished in the world, extremely comfortable and even prosperous financially, this card is telling you that it is completely within your reach. It is encouraging you to start that business you've been dreaming about. It's encouraging you to start fulfilling your life's purpose and do what you love because once you do that, success is assured.

Enjoy this wonderful energy and I hope you enjoy the reading. See you next week!

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Tarot Tuesday #16: You're Kidding, Right? Plus a Bonus Oracle Card

Happy Tuesday, everyone. We got a repeat card this week ... and although I don't like to think of any particular card in the tarot as a bad card there is no denying there are cards that are happier than others. :)

The Five of Pentacles energy is continuing to linger this week. If any of you are feeling bogged down by financial pressures or not feeling physically great this week (I noticed a lot of people on Facebook saying they were suffering through colds and flu last week) ... take heart. Things WILL get better. The important thing to remember in sloggy periods like this is that our attitude is everything. A lot of people spend their entire LIVES in Five of Pentacles mode, feeling like life is a trial, that everything is difficult, and that they are alone and hard done by. Anyone who habitually stays in that mindset will never get out of it. Life is about progress and change. We are presented with challenges so that we can learn how to overcome them.

So if you are feeling like life is a bit of a bitch this week, remember your spirit that only wants to change and grow. See this time as an opportunity to learn how to overcome whatever may be holding you back. Have a wonderful, INSPIRING week! :)

Much love.

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Tarot Tuesday #15: FIVE OF PENTACLES

Hello everyone and I'm glad to be back! I missed doing our reading last week but had a great time at TIFF. This week I'm using the Steampunk tarot by Aly Fell and Barbara Moore.

The Five of Pentacles is a card of hardship and struggle, either real or imaginary. We could be feeling cash strapped right now or downtrodden in some other way. Maybe our job is really difficult at the moment or we're not feeling great physically. The important thing to remember in times like this is that these phases PASS. It will not always feel this way. Most importantly, your attitude is key. If you are going through financial or physical difficulty always try to think positively. Think about what you can do to change or improve your situation. Consider who or what could help you out of a difficult situation. Many people are embarrassed or ashamed to admit that they're going through hard times so they suffer in silence. It's really unnecessary. Make sure anyone you confide in is trustworthy and has your best interests at heart but if you know of someone who can help you or advise you, REACH OUT.

I hope all of you have a wonderful week. See you next Tuesday!

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Tarot Tuesday #14: SEVEN OF COINS -- Consider Your Options

It's back to school this week and life is the biggest school of all. The choices we make lead to the classes we take! :) This week's card is from the Simply Deep tarot deck. It is the Seven of Coins (or Seven of Pentacles).

The suit of Coins (or Pentacles) is all about the physical world: work, money, health, home ... all the things that effect our daily lives and that we can see and touch and feel. The Seven of Coins is about assessing and weighing your options. You could be considering changing careers, going back to school, or deciding what to do with your money.

This card shows a man who is harvesting ripe fruit or vegetables. He has grown this crop and it has ripened and is ready to be used. If he leaves them on the vine they will eventually fall off, rot, and go to waste. He can either sit down at the table and eat them himself or he can take them to a market and sell them ... and then he can plant more (if the season is conducive to that). He could decide to change crops and grow something totally different.

You could be considering a change of career or furthering your education in a future career. You could be thinking about investing your money or deciding what to spend it on. You could even simply be thinking about decorating your home and debating different styles of decor, colour schemes and fabrics.

Our nests are asking for some attention this week. Now that summer is almost over many of us are out of vacation mode and are ready to get down to business again. What changes are you considering?

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Tarot Tuesday #13: SEVEN OF SWORDS -- Things May Not Be What They Seem

The Seven of Swords is one of the most intriguing cards in the tarot. I'm using the beautiful Connolly Tarot this week, a deck that has a very Renaissance look. It's drenched in gorgeously vivid, jewel-toned colours. The Rider-Waite version of this card is quite different. Here's what it looks like:

This card's meaning can be interpreted in so many different ways but on the surface, it appears to be about deception or sneakiness. A man is creeping away from an encampment holding five swords and in the background a group of men are standing, oblivious to the intruder. Since Swords are all about our thoughts and the mental realm, this card is more about hiding aspects of oneself or keeping certain details or opinions private. It's about appearing one way on the surface but being quite different in reality. Sometimes we do this for positive reasons and at other times for very negative ones ... whether we lie to others, misrepresent things, stretch the truth, etc. Is there someone in your life who you suspect is not being completely truthful with you? Perhaps you are not being completely truthful? This card could also be telling you that sometimes it can be advisable to "keep your cards close to the vest", for practical reasons.

I hope you enjoy this week's reading.

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Tarot Tuesday #12: The World is Our Oyster

Wow ... what a nice card to see this week. The World tells us that we have successfully completed one cycle or phase of our life. We have taken all the necessary steps, learned the necessary lessons, and integrated what we have learned from the process into our psyches. We know who we are, what we want, and where we are going. However ... although this card is very positive and celebratory, it also alerts us to the possibility of stagnation. Sometimes we can get TOO comfortable, TOO secure, TOO sedate. Life cannot progress naturally without constant movement. So if you have been in a safe, comfortable, secure environment for a tad too long (and you will always know if you have), The World could be telling you it's time to challenge yourself and start the journey again.

Hope you enjoy my video reading and see you next week!

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Tarot Tuesday #11: THE HERMIT -- Vanessa Tarot

This week's card is Major Arcana 9, The Hermit. I decided to use the Vanessa Tarot this week for a little girl power. It's a really cute deck and always makes me smile. It's great for beginners, very user friendly, and I highly recommend it.

The Hermit is telling us we need to retreat from the world and reflect upon our lives. Have you been struggling with a particular issue? Have you been trying to find a solution to a problem and it just seems to keep eluding you? The Hermit symbolizes the wisdom within all of us that knows all the answers, all the solutions. All we have to do is listen but you can't listen when you're surrounded by the many distractions of the world. Take time to be by yourself this week. Reflect, question things.

All tarot cards have positive and negative attributes, however, and one negative aspect of The Hermit is the tendency to isolate yourself, to be alone too much. If you've been doing this, try to get out of that habit. If solitude is a comfort zone for you (as it is for me), it's important to realize that comfort may be important but it can also be counterproductive if you want change. Change is rarely comfortable and it may require a little adjustment on your part.

Here's this week's reading. I hope you enjoy it!

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Message from the Goddess Tarot

I have decided to incorporate some of my own personal draws into this blog for the purposes not only of sharing and learning from them with you, but as a way of embracing a new way of life which includes more honesty not only with myself but with others.

So, this morning I drew a card from the Goddess Tarot regarding a situation in my life that has been causing me a lot of pain. I asked for a message from one of the goddesses regarding that situation, how to move on, how to deal with the difficult feelings it raised in me. This is what I received (reversed):

I turned the card upright and studied it for a long time and these are the images that stood out to me.

The diaphonous silky looking scarves streaming across the face of the card seemed symbolically perfect to me in terms of the relationship that was causing me pain. It was delicate, fragile ... not strong enough to develop into something more stable. The globe on the card SCREAMED to me about the significance of the physical world in this situation and the fact that this was a long-distance relationship. That distance was crucial to why it broke down and it made me feel a little better. I had been blaming myself for the failure of the relationship, putting all the onus of it on me, my failings, my mistakes. The distance was one of the key reasons it failed, not just me (or him). This card comforted me a little and made me realize there were many more factors at play than just me. The rectangular pictures of snow falling at the top and flowers blooming at the bottom made me think of the saying "for everything there is a season." Things are always changing ... I will not always feel this way. The pain will run its course, life will move on, and change will occur. 

The World also signifies the end of a cycle. Nothing could sum it up better than that.The relationship that caused me so much pain ran its course. It ended. Now it's time to focus on new things. It served its purpose and negative as much of the experience was, I learned a great deal about myself and other people. They were very valuable lessons. 

The brief description from the little white book said this (for the reversed meaning):

Desire for positive change, though uncertainty on how to make it happen. Fear of expansion. 

I can't disagree with that. This has been something I've struggled with all my life ... wanting things to change but uncertain of how to make it happen and also being afraid of it. We're all afraid of the unknown and when things have felt bad for a long time even something positive can feel scary when bad is all we're used to. We become comfortable with feeling crappy even though we hate it. I'm sure you've all heard the phrase "misery loves company." Your own unhappiness can feel like that toxic friend who loves to share old hurts with you and ruminate about how awful the world is. 

It all comes down to making that choice. Do you want to move on and manifest new things or do you want to stay stuck in comfortable unhappiness? The choice is always ours. 


Thursday, 7 August 2014

I'm Back!

Hello everyone,

So sorry I've been absent for so long ... but I am glad to say that I am back and will be making regular posts on this blog.

Although my blog has been silent for awhile, my Youtube channel has been fairly busy. I was asked by a Facebook friend to do a weekly tarot draw for her group so I've been doing a feature called "Tarot Tuesdays". I hope you will join me for those weekly draws. In the meantime, I've linked my latest Tarot Tuesday for you below. You can find all the previous Tarot Tuesdays as well as all my other tarot videos on my channel. Please subscribe so that you don't miss any of them! :)

Once again, apologies for my protracted absence but I am glad to be back and I hope to make this blog better than ever.
