Monday 8 December 2014

Weekly Reading -- December 8-14, 2014

This week looks like it contains a pretty even mixture of energies. We start off the week in practical mode with the Seven of Pentacles where we could be assessing our money, career, assets -- anything to do with our material life. At the end of the year a lot of us are reflecting and thinking about what we want in the future. Some of us are mulling over New Year's resolutions. Is there anything you'd like to change?

By mid week we could be feeling a little wiped out with the Ten of Wands. Perhaps all that practical consideration and money preoccupation at the start of the week has taken its toll and we need to just TAKE A BREAK and make time for ourselves. We could be feeling like we're doing a million things at once, like we are overburdened. Many of us push ourselves hard at this time of year, making sure we attend this holiday party and that holiday party. Give yourself permission to rest and politely decline invitations if you must. Take time for yourself.

By the weekend, you ARE ready to party and have a good time. The Three of Cups is all about feeling joyful and enjoying the company of good friends and family or even just YOURSELF. If you can't enjoy your own company, how can you enjoy anybody else's?

Have a wonderful week!

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