Monday 15 December 2014

Weekly Reading -- December 15-21, 2014

This week could be a challenge for us and it's not surprising considering that it's just around the holidays. We put a lot of pressure on ourselves at this time of year and it can be very stressful. A lot of emotions that have been buried can come up for us at this time.

Our first card, the Ten of Swords, illustrates that "I am SO done" feeling. The feelings of defeat and disappointment are literally driven home by the ten swords impaling the person on the ground. No point denying it anymore: IT IS OVER. However the sun rising in the background indicates that there is positivity on the horizon. It could take us a few days to get over this funk but by the weekend we are feeling much more optimistic. Either we are inspired to give love or support to someone else or someone is offering it to us. What could be more appropriate at this time of year?

If you find yourself going through some difficulties this week, remember that it is ultimately for your personal growth. Obstacles are put in our way to get us to learn how to move past them. It's always for the greater good.

Best wishes and see you next week!

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