Monday 1 December 2014

Weekly Reading -- December 1-7, 2014

This week is a combination of fiery energy, inspiration, and creativity and a peaceful groundedness by the end of the week. It's a nice mixture, starting off powerfully and ending in a relaxed, contented way -- the perfect start to our weekend.

We start off the week with a surge of vitality and energy, a very powerful focus. Either we have a very specific goal in mind or we are just raring to go with some kind of idea. We are literally busting with enthusiasm. By the middle of the week we may come to realize how satisfying it can be to work with others, especially when it comes to a common goal. We all have our own unique gifts to bring to the table but others have their own input to offer as well. Be cooperative, not combative. By the end of the week we feel stable and satisfied. It's the perfect time to enjoy who we are and what we do.

Enjoy this very productive, satisfying week!

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