Tuesday 18 November 2014

Tarot Tuesday #24: Kicking It Up a Notch

Hello my fellow tarot afficionados! I've decided to start doing 3-card weekly readings from now on. I hope you enjoy the new format.

This week looks like it has the potential to be very powerful. We start off the week with the strong feminine energy of the High Priestess, continue the week with the Empress coming into play, and finish off the week with the happy and celebratory Six of Wands.

It's pretty amazing that those two extremely powerful feminine energies came up right beside each other. The High Priestess and The Empress are both extremely powerful women but in different ways. The High Priestess is a solitary figure, one who prefers to channel her strength alone. The Empress, however, is totally extroverted and overflowing with life. She loves to share her energy with everyone.

Both those cards also came up reversed. As a reader I don't pay that much attention to reversals. I note them but I don't believe they have much significance other than to call extra attention to the card or to let us know there could be a blockage in that energy.

Tune in to see what the week has in store. If you'd like a reading from me, please don't hesitate to contact me here, on Facebook, or on my Youtube channel. Have a great week!

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