Tuesday 4 November 2014

Tarot Tuesday #22: POWER -- We All Have Two Sides

This week's card comes from the Psychic Tarot by John Holland. Our card for the week is Major Arcana 8, Power. This would be the Strength card in the Rider-Waite tarot.

The general theme of the Power (or Strength) card is recognizing that we have two sides of ourselves: the animalistic or primal side, our "reptilian brains" that simply react to stimulus in our environments, and the highly evolved human side that has the capacity to reason and consider the best options. Rarely, if ever, is it a good idea to fly off the handle and behave in an aggressive, forceful manner but sometimes we find ourselves behaving in ways that fill us with regret later. This card is about calling on your inner strength to tame those wild, impulsive feelings. The Rider-Waite version of this card depicts a woman in a flowing white gown calmly holding a lion's jaws shut with her bare hands. She has no fear because she knows that her inner strength is far more powerful than the animal. She is controlling it without hurting it. She is controlling it with kindness and compassion.

Recognize what your triggers are. Become familiar with what prompts you to act in ways that don't serve you and use that higher self to calm it down.

You could also find yourself having a power struggle with someone this week. Don't allow anyone to abuse you but don't allow assertiveness and standing up for yourself to turn into aggression and hostility. That kind of energy tends to feed on itself and breed negativity. Breathe and listen to your inner voice.

Have a great week and remember how powerful you are!

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