Tuesday 11 November 2014

Tarot Tuesday #23: FIVE OF RAINBOWS -- Are You Feeling Like an Outcast?

Our card this week is from the Zen Osho deck and it is the Five of Rainbows (or Five of Pentacles in the Rider-Waite system). The Five of Rainbows is about a sense of lack. It's about feeling like you're left out, excluded, down on your luck, or simply feeling lost and vulnerable.

The image of this card from the Zen Osho deck is particularly poignant because it depicts a small child standing forlornly outside a locked gate peering at what's on the other side. One strap of his overalls has fallen down giving that sense of a feeling of helplessness and vulnerability. We all feel like this at times and it's important to remember that if you're going through a tough time this week -- whether it's financial struggle or just feeling like you're all alone in the world -- this time will pass. It's not enough to simply hope that things will change, though. Keep your eyes and ears open for opportunities, for people who can give you a hand or some helpful advice -- anything that will help you through this challenging time.

Hope you all have a great week and thanks for joining me for another Tarot Tuesday.

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