Tuesday 28 October 2014

Tarot Tuesday #21: THE WORLD -- No Turning Back Now

Some change is irrevocable. It's crucial to our development and every second of our lives we are changing. Nothing stays the same forever. This week's card is telling us that this kind of change has occurred or needs to occur in our lives. It is part of our destiny.

Since this is Halloween week, I decided to use the Vampire Tarot for our weekly draw. The woman on The World card is the character Mina from Bram Stoker's classic "Dracula". Mina was the first person in the story to fall under the count's spell and get bitten. As a result, she became a vampire. She was no longer human ... she became a totally different being. In this card she is looking at her reflection in the mirror as if she is studying this new version of herself. She may not feel completely comfortable or familiar with this self but she knows the change has occurred and there is no turning back. The change has occurred on a cellular level. It is that deep.

Do you feel this kind of a transformation in your life right now? Or do you need it to happen? Embrace it ... don't resist it. The World is patting you on the back and letting you know that you are ready to evolve.

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