Tuesday 7 October 2014

Tarot Tuesday #18: FIVE OF WATER -- Count Your Blessings

It's natural to feel down every now and then. Sometimes a relationship doesn't work out the way we wanted it to, a project that we hold dear doesn't meet with the same enthusiasm from other people that we hold for it, someone does or says something that hurts our feelings ... and we get lost in those sad feelings.

The Five of Water (or Five of Cups) from Doreen Virtue's Angel Tarot deck reminds us that we always have a choice when we encounter situations like this. Here is the Five of Cups from the Rider Waite deck which is one of my favourite cards due to the major life lesson it depicts:

The person in this card is utterly bereft and consumed by grief for what he has lost. He is oblivious to the two cups that are still standing behind him. Some people can spend their entire lives in this state of mind.

When we lose something that we care about, it's natural and normal to grieve and be sad. When it begins to consume us, however, it becomes unhealthy and harmful. If you are going through a loss of some kind this week, try to think of the positives in the situation. If it's a relationship loss, for example, and you're sad that the person you care about is no longer in your life, think about how much better it is for you to be away from him or her rather than continuing to stay in a relationship that doesn't make you happy ... and how, if you are newly single, that it gives you the opportunity to meet someone new who is much better for you when the time is right. There are ALWAYS positives in every negative situation.

I hope you all have a peaceful week. Namaste.

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