Tuesday 14 October 2014

Tarot Tuesday #19: THE HIGH PRIESTESS -- Put On Your Listening Ears

In life there is a time for action and there is a time for contemplation. Both are active stages but one is physical and the other is mental. The High Priestess is the antithesis of action. She is all about retreat, silence, and a state of receptivity to communication from the higher self. The High Priestess is all about intuition and our inner wisdom.

We all have a deep inner wisdom that we can call upon whenever we want ... but it's very important that we trust it and respect it. To borrow a phrase from Judge Judy, if we call upon that inner wisdom we need to make sure to "put on our listening ears." Don't make the mistake of calling upon that inner guidance and simply dismiss whatever it has to tell you if you don't like the answer. The inner self is always guiding us toward our highest good and sometimes that entails hearing things we don't necessarily want to hear but need to deal with if we want to manifest the best for ourselves.

It's also very important to tune in to your physical sensations because those sensations contain a great deal of information. Scores of information are embedded in our cells. Our emotions and our bodies work in tandem with each other and there are many physical sensations that are very familiar to us. When you experience those sensations, that is the High Priestess at work as well. She is telling you in another way (other than through "verbal" messages) what is going on, what has gone in the past, and how those experiences are affecting or can enlighten the present. Pay very close attention to those physical clues as well.

I hope you all enjoy your sojourn with the High Priestess this week. See you next Tuesday!

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