Tuesday 21 October 2014

Tarot Tuesday #20: THE CHARIOT -- Your Mind is a Vehicle

The Chariot is all about forward motion, determination, and drive. It is really a metaphor for the power of our minds and the power of our intention.

If you have a specific goal in mind, The Chariot has appeared to encourage you and tell you that you have what it takes to get there. The two sphinxes on the front of the chariot represent opposing forces: our "bright" side and our dark side. These forces must be handled appropriately, with the skill of a charioteer, in order for us to reach our goal.

All kinds of things can throw us off track: self doubt, indecision, procrastination, and the naysayers around us who are all too willing to list a thousand reasons why our goal can never succeed. It's our job to stay focused if we truly want to reach our goal and KEEP MOVING FORWARD. This card is telling us that we are either in the midst of this journey right now or that the time is right to set out on that journey of accomplishment.

A great technique to manifest what you want in your life is to picture yourself ALREADY THERE. Imagine yourself in great detail where you want to be, what you want to be doing, who you want to be with. Imagine how you would feel if you were there right now and use those feelings as the reins of your chariot. The charioteer in this card already has his victory flag raised as he sets out ... he sees himself as a victor and therefore he will be a victor.

Happy trails! :)

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