Tuesday 16 September 2014

Tarot Tuesday #15: FIVE OF PENTACLES

Hello everyone and I'm glad to be back! I missed doing our reading last week but had a great time at TIFF. This week I'm using the Steampunk tarot by Aly Fell and Barbara Moore.

The Five of Pentacles is a card of hardship and struggle, either real or imaginary. We could be feeling cash strapped right now or downtrodden in some other way. Maybe our job is really difficult at the moment or we're not feeling great physically. The important thing to remember in times like this is that these phases PASS. It will not always feel this way. Most importantly, your attitude is key. If you are going through financial or physical difficulty always try to think positively. Think about what you can do to change or improve your situation. Consider who or what could help you out of a difficult situation. Many people are embarrassed or ashamed to admit that they're going through hard times so they suffer in silence. It's really unnecessary. Make sure anyone you confide in is trustworthy and has your best interests at heart but if you know of someone who can help you or advise you, REACH OUT.

I hope all of you have a wonderful week. See you next Tuesday!

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