Tuesday 23 September 2014

Tarot Tuesday #16: You're Kidding, Right? Plus a Bonus Oracle Card

Happy Tuesday, everyone. We got a repeat card this week ... and although I don't like to think of any particular card in the tarot as a bad card there is no denying there are cards that are happier than others. :)

The Five of Pentacles energy is continuing to linger this week. If any of you are feeling bogged down by financial pressures or not feeling physically great this week (I noticed a lot of people on Facebook saying they were suffering through colds and flu last week) ... take heart. Things WILL get better. The important thing to remember in sloggy periods like this is that our attitude is everything. A lot of people spend their entire LIVES in Five of Pentacles mode, feeling like life is a trial, that everything is difficult, and that they are alone and hard done by. Anyone who habitually stays in that mindset will never get out of it. Life is about progress and change. We are presented with challenges so that we can learn how to overcome them.

So if you are feeling like life is a bit of a bitch this week, remember your spirit that only wants to change and grow. See this time as an opportunity to learn how to overcome whatever may be holding you back. Have a wonderful, INSPIRING week! :)

Much love.

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