Tuesday 12 August 2014

Tarot Tuesday #11: THE HERMIT -- Vanessa Tarot

This week's card is Major Arcana 9, The Hermit. I decided to use the Vanessa Tarot this week for a little girl power. It's a really cute deck and always makes me smile. It's great for beginners, very user friendly, and I highly recommend it.

The Hermit is telling us we need to retreat from the world and reflect upon our lives. Have you been struggling with a particular issue? Have you been trying to find a solution to a problem and it just seems to keep eluding you? The Hermit symbolizes the wisdom within all of us that knows all the answers, all the solutions. All we have to do is listen but you can't listen when you're surrounded by the many distractions of the world. Take time to be by yourself this week. Reflect, question things.

All tarot cards have positive and negative attributes, however, and one negative aspect of The Hermit is the tendency to isolate yourself, to be alone too much. If you've been doing this, try to get out of that habit. If solitude is a comfort zone for you (as it is for me), it's important to realize that comfort may be important but it can also be counterproductive if you want change. Change is rarely comfortable and it may require a little adjustment on your part.

Here's this week's reading. I hope you enjoy it!

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