Tuesday 26 August 2014

Tarot Tuesday #13: SEVEN OF SWORDS -- Things May Not Be What They Seem

The Seven of Swords is one of the most intriguing cards in the tarot. I'm using the beautiful Connolly Tarot this week, a deck that has a very Renaissance look. It's drenched in gorgeously vivid, jewel-toned colours. The Rider-Waite version of this card is quite different. Here's what it looks like:

This card's meaning can be interpreted in so many different ways but on the surface, it appears to be about deception or sneakiness. A man is creeping away from an encampment holding five swords and in the background a group of men are standing, oblivious to the intruder. Since Swords are all about our thoughts and the mental realm, this card is more about hiding aspects of oneself or keeping certain details or opinions private. It's about appearing one way on the surface but being quite different in reality. Sometimes we do this for positive reasons and at other times for very negative ones ... whether we lie to others, misrepresent things, stretch the truth, etc. Is there someone in your life who you suspect is not being completely truthful with you? Perhaps you are not being completely truthful? This card could also be telling you that sometimes it can be advisable to "keep your cards close to the vest", for practical reasons.

I hope you enjoy this week's reading.


  1. This card has definitely more layers then just thievery. Another interpretation I've read somewhere was about breaking free, doing things your own way and abandoning group ideals.. And the version of the Druidcraft Tarot is more collecting thoughts for study purposes. I used you draw a blank when this card came up :D

  2. I love this card ... it is so deep, so layered, as you said. What did you mean by your last sentence? I didn't follow. :)

    1. When you draw a blank it means you cannot think anything worth while to say about a card

    2. I know ... I meant when you said "I used you draw a blank" ... that didn't make sense to me. Did you mean that I drew a blank?

    3. hahaha I hadn't seen that it!!! I meant: I used to draw a blank!!! I made a typing mistake LOL

    4. Oh, lol ... I know what you mean, happens to me all the time too! Takes awhile sometimes for my brain cells to make the right connections.
