Tuesday 19 August 2014

Tarot Tuesday #12: The World is Our Oyster

Wow ... what a nice card to see this week. The World tells us that we have successfully completed one cycle or phase of our life. We have taken all the necessary steps, learned the necessary lessons, and integrated what we have learned from the process into our psyches. We know who we are, what we want, and where we are going. However ... although this card is very positive and celebratory, it also alerts us to the possibility of stagnation. Sometimes we can get TOO comfortable, TOO secure, TOO sedate. Life cannot progress naturally without constant movement. So if you have been in a safe, comfortable, secure environment for a tad too long (and you will always know if you have), The World could be telling you it's time to challenge yourself and start the journey again.

Hope you enjoy my video reading and see you next week!

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