Tuesday 30 April 2013

DAILY DRAW: The Hermit

Two Major Arcana cards in a row, wow! It's going to be a Major Arcana kind of week ... lots of major changes are going on right now. I definitely feel that in my own life. Lots of things are shifting and changing form.

The Hermit is Major Arcana card number nine. In the card you will see an old man standing on top of what looks like a mountain or an outlook of some sort because he is looking down. He's holding up a lantern and leaning on a cane for support.

The Hermit is about withdrawing from the outer world to connect with your inner self. You don't have to go hiking in the mountains and find a cave to withdraw from the world. You can do it wherever you are. Just place more importance on what your inner self is telling you and the puzzles your mind wants to solve than the outside world. The Hermit's lantern signifies that he is a guide. He may be helping you through a dark time. His cane symbolizes the knowledge he has gained from his withdrawal from the world, which he can lean on in times of trouble. He is wise and learned because he has taken the time to really get to know himself and think about life and its challenges. He can also signify a teacher who will guide you and teach you valuable things.

Take some time today to be alone. Get to know yourself better. Ask yourself questions. Be a scholar of yourself and the world. Be your own teacher. What have you learned about life? What are your absolute truths? What confuses you or muddles your thinking, and why?

Also keep your eyes and ears open for that special teacher. The Hermit could be anyone who teaches you something valuable. The Hermit teaches you things that can benefit you throughout your life.


  1. another great design which deck is this...im a hermit because i like to be alone get away from people get some peace and quiet do what i want i dont reflect i obsess

  2. All the cards I will be using right now are from the Rider Waite deck. I'll be posting others eventually.
