Friday 26 April 2013

DAILY DRAW: Knight of Wands

The Knight of Wands is a man of action. He's always up for an adventure and a challenge. He never backs down from a fight. He's fearless and courageous and embodies that fiery Wands energy in a very dynamic way. Look at this knight on his beautiful red horse. He's charging headlong into battle or making his way on an adventurous quest. Notice the pyramids in the background ... they suggest travel to far off places, someone who is not afraid to venture into unknown territory. It's important to note that just because we think of knights as male and the knight in the card is male, this card does not have to represent men only. Females can embody this energetic, dynamic persona as well. If you're a Game of Thrones fan, Brienne the knight would be the perfect example of this energy. This knight in action is awesome to behold.

Embrace this Knight of Wands energy in your life today. Don't be reckless or aggressive just for the sake of aggression, but see if you can incorporate his courage, his zest for life, his goal-oriented forward movement. Notice if you cross paths with someone like this today. Is there a Knight of Wands in your life? Would you like to jump on the horse and get things done the way he does?


  1. very interesting as per usual how many cards are there in a tarot deck

  2. I answered this in a previous comment (weren't you paying attention?) :) There are 78 cards in a deck.

  3. 22 major arcana and 56 minor arcana
