Wednesday 24 April 2013

DAILY DRAW: Six of Cups

The Six of Cups is like getting a warm hug from an old friend. It's about friendship, companionship, mutual positive feelings going back and forth. Two people are meeting in what looks like a marketplace. One of them is giving a vase of flowers to the other. It's not clear whether the smaller person is a child or a dwarf, but to me, that person is a child. Her diminutiveness is very endearing, I just want to pick her up and hold her. That's what this card is about ... warm, happy feelings. I don't get the feeling the little person has simply bought those flowers either. Her posture and the way the person is bending down to give them to her suggest a gift. An "I'm happy to see you!" or "You're so cute!" gift. Since the smaller person can be a child, this card can also symbolize childhood and happy memories. Sentimentality or pleasurable reminiscence.

Are you grateful for the friends or loved ones you have in your life today? Are there people in your life who have always been with you? Have you made any new friends lately?

Show your friends or loved ones you appreciate them today. Let them know you're glad they're in your life.

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