Thursday 25 April 2013

DAILY DRAW: Four of Swords

Rest, recuperation, reflection. The Four of Swords is one of my favourite cards (partly due to my love of all things medieval and partly due to the peace and tranquility it represents). This knight appears in effigy on a tomb. Three of his swords hang on the wall above him and one lies underneath him. He has put his worries, his troubles away. Although Swords symbolize our thoughts, our beliefs, and our perceptions, I think in this instance the swords also represent their earthly purpose: weapons, symbols of aggression. He has stopped fighting things and put his weapons down. His hands are together as if in prayer, suggesting something holy is going on. Retreating from the world to allow our worries to recede and allow ourselves to heal is a holy process. We all have times in our lives when we just need to get away and be by ourselves for awhile. The Four of Swords is all about taking that time for yourself. It's about accepting that things have not gone as planned and taking the time to mentally regroup. This card can also symbolize meditation.

Has anything been bothering you lately? Is there anything in your life that has left you feeling defeated? If so, don't beat yourself up about it. None of us can be victorious all the time. Take the time to be alone and be kind to yourself. Allow yourself to regenerate and appreciate who you are.


  1. im learning i like how three of the swords are above a left centre and right verticle the fourth is below horizontal

  2. The artwork on these Rider Waite cards is just beautiful. The artist, Pamela Colman Smith, was a set designer from New York, I believe.
