Tuesday 23 April 2013

DAILY DRAW: Six of Wands

If you look at this card, you'll get the immediate impression that it's all about victory. Pride. Accomplishment. A battle won. The man sits proudly on his beautiful white horse wearing a wreath of victory on his head. His soldiers march alongside him in a victory parade. A wreath is attached to the wand he brandishes. Wands symbolize energy, action, creative fire, the fire within us. This man has accomplished his goal and he is being celebrated for it.

Have you felt victorious lately? Have you accomplished something major in your life? Did you feel supported and encouraged? Did you celebrate? Perhaps this card is a signpost telling you that victory is near.

Embrace that creative energy. Go out and get what you want. Success takes hard work and persistent action ... but a result like this makes it well worth it.


  1. im learning are these designs standard or do they vary how many cards in a tarot deck

  2. There are 78 cards in a tarot deck, 22 Major Arcana and 56 Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana cards deal with universal issues while the Minor Arcana deal with everyday issues. The Rider Waite is the grandaddy of them all and while many tarot decks are based on those cards, many others vary widely and make their own interpretations. The Thoth deck, designed by Alastair Crowley, is supposed to be quite different and very esoteric. I'm very curious about it but am holding off on buying it until I get all the basic interpretations down.
